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Everything posted by AOberheim

  1. so do you guys think this pump comes with glass magnets? proportionally they would rip your hand clean off if you stuck them together....haha
  2. Copps, you're the man. Thanks again for the frags. Let me know when you want me to call the cavalry for that install!
  3. if someone could produce a clean and compact device similar to the wine chiller / medical pump that was apex controllable, they would have us all in the palm of their hand
  4. It's tough to think about but after a major disaster like that and over a week without power it will take a while for a lot of people's tanks to reestablish (the ones that would need to repopulate). It's a very nice idea though
  5. I will get my order in, in the morning.
  6. working on some fusion there eh?
  7. I have not been able to set it up to work outside of my network. In fact since I lost the use of the display I can't even view it in my network (computer) only on my phone. So I would say remote login won't help. I just got my display back from Neptune (repair) yesterday as well and haven't seen any life out of it. Also do you run mh's on your apex? If so how do you make that work ?
  8. did you ever figure out how to fix this, I have the same issue.
  9. 9kw for 699 at costco is what I paid on friday....dayumm
  10. +1 to marine scene. another not local in the beltway but liverocknreef.com has decent prices on ridiculous stuff.
  11. big +1 to flooddc - again I got the first out of 3 (very fortunately) from the springfield costco, but they were sold out 3.5 seconds after opening today. the power inverter and an extension cord ran my return pump (mag 9), one mp40, one mp10, and my skimmer over the summer for the last storm. Heat was my problem, which hopefully you won't have to worry about.
  12. fortunately I was one out of three that got their hands on a generator from costco, its a 9KW (9000w) and it was $699 w/ remote start and will power my tank and fridge with ease including 2 metal halides and all pumps!, save as much $ as you can through this storm with a battery bubbler $15 pristine had them earlier this week, not sure about right now (I survived derecho with the loss of one tiny green chromis) and buy one of these when its not panic mode.
  13. Do you guys change them daily, or 2 or 3 times a week?
  14. I am new to employing filter socks as part of my system, I have a few very thick felt eshopps socks. I have read and seen YouTube videos of putting them in the washer(not done so yet), I have been rinsing them in the sink after 2 days of use, then soaking them in a bucket of water w/ 3 or 4 capfuls of bleach for a day then a good rinse in the sink and a rinse in ro/di water before replacement. Any other advice or suggestions...what do you guys/gals do? tips on normal routines for changing/maintenance would be appreciated
  15. i would be in for that GB with BRS, I could also drop some coin.
  16. IMO- That seems like a lot of food unless you have a ridiculously efficient process of nutrient export. I would reduce flake food, and for best results thaw the cube of mysis in tank water and drain the cloudy nutrient rich juice. Because you feed a great variety of foods nothing should be lacking essential vitamins. l'd say minimize the quantity per feeding and keep up the multiple feeding regimen. Fish will never have enough food, but for most corals less is more, (except the hungry sun coral, I love mine).
  17. I manage the ProFeed pet supply store on Maple Ave about 500 yards from where Vienna aquarium use to be on Mill St in Vienna. Petco opened up last November right across the street from my store, but I think it took a bigger toll on them than me. A bad location, rude staff, and minimal selection definitely all played a part as well, I don't know why they would open back up with with the same business model if they plan to continue to try to make a profit. I believe it was in January that they closed the doors in Vienna and about Early march that they opened up out in Leesburg.
  18. The closest of all LFS's to you and not mentioned is Marine Scene. It's a very nice shop with decent prices. I'm new also, but welcome!
  19. +1 to the osmolator, I also did much research before pulling the trigger...used would be a score for some $ off the top, to me still worth the value for new. to the people that don't want to trust sensors (optical eye) or switches, do you not trust probes either (ph, temp) ?
  20. I was up at House of Fins in Greenwich, CT this weekend. They had one of the three of these fishes in the hobby this year. They had the fish sold for 10K before it even got to the store. A very pretty fish, but 10 grand can buy a lot of corals and equipment.
  21. and she's a misbar, someone thought that costume out. I want to be the matching anemone that she goes to the halloween party with!
  22. and she's a misbar, someone thought that costume out. I want to see the matching anemone costume that she goes to the halloween party with!
  23. i think the swabbie retrofit is in my future....lmk if there is one.
  24. I will take the alk checker, I see its still there.
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