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Everything posted by Dr.eclipse

  1. they do not. but i believe if they are threatened they release a toxin as a defense.
  2. so i cancled the order with aquastyleonline. reason being that what i thought was broken on my fixture wasnt. so i bought a 200$ acan from blue ribbon. amazing piece!
  3. you gotta use the "IMG code"
  4. just ordered the leds. great prices. but that f*ck you on shipping. it was 62 dollars to ship.
  5. this should help http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=289940 i plan to place an order with them with weekend.
  6. man, im gonna have to drop by and buy some corals when my 40 is done cycling!
  7. thanks! i really like the black sand. i did it for my first tank. and then i want BB. i like the black sand a lot better! and the great part about this sand is that its not magnetic thanks! it makes the corals look really good! you dont say!
  8. this happened to my dads brittle. it died within a week. im not sure if it can be saved. ):
  9. what is the name of this zoa? and are willing to sell 1-2 polyps?
  10. stand. im pretty proud of my craftsmanship :D first fts
  11. once you do you a group buy your customer status gets changed to preferred reefer, im not 100% what comes with the status change though. probably get more brs points per order?
  12. ok, so i finally got the tank completely filled. and now its cycling. i also got my order, consisting of digital aquatics SL1 unit, pH probe, ATO and some bio pellets. now im looking to get leds. i was thinking getting two of these http://www.aquastyleonline.com/products/Aquarium-24--LEDs--DIY-Dimmable-Kit.html
  13. thanks a lot! at this rate its gonna tank 4 months to fill up this tank. ahaahha.
  14. thanks! i really like the look of black sand.
  15. sorry for the crappy pics. but it will do for now.
  16. they will go away after the cycle as well.
  17. definitely not aptasia. i cant ID it 100% but i would say its not going to be a problem and will most likely disappear after your cycle.
  18. scaped the tank on sunday. im pretty satisfied with it. i filled it about half way up, i need to make more water.
  19. yeah this is probably the easiest/cheapest option.
  20. lemon juice, boiling water, or aptaisiaX.
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