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Everything posted by SunWyrm

  1. (Not to hijack the thread or anything) I was about to post on my worries over my lawnmower being the same way. I noticed her being very pale and skittish (not usual for her) and hiding in a cave. I looked closer and her belly is gone. http://www.fishlore.com/profile-lawnmowerblenny.htm says they are egg layers and it looks as though she has staked claim to a small hole in a rock. She's still "guarding" the area. Step in the right direction for learning how to captive breed these guys? I hope so. If anyone has info on sexing them so I can get her a male it would be much appreciated. I can't make heads or tails of the info I find on the subject.
  2. Mine was pretty obese for a fish, but that's a crazy potbelly! Glad to see she looks so happy
  3. How big is it? I might be able to add it to my baby lions cuc which is non existent atm.
  4. Im not sure if he can help but I'll have my husband look into it.
  5. My heart goes out to you and I hope everything flourishes again soon. I felt the same way when I upgraded and killed my fish for being stupid and not getting enough flow in there. I'm really glad you posted this as I'm going to be moving tanks soon to a new house and not only did you learn things but I did as well and hopefully many wamasers benefit too.
  6. It's sloughing off. I can't tell if it's still RTNing because it's slowish but I believe so. The polyps have started to come back out since this morning but I'm not sure what that means, if anything. I'm not sure how accurate 300ppm is since they used the test strips and they didn't carry any alk tests for me to buy. I'll have to make a trip to another LFS tomorrow.
  7. I went to have my water tested since I didn't have an alk test atm. It's at 300 and ph is now at 8.2. RTN is from the bottom up. LFS suggested I dip it with coral revive. Any thoughts on that? or would it hurt the feather dusters on it? I'm also having a problem getting my pic up but as soon as i figure it out i'll get it up. Thanks for the help guys, Marisa
  8. My very large poci is experiencing some rtn, I keep trying to stabilize my ph (at 7.8 last night when it visibly started) and I feel like an utter noob but I know we all have these moments. And I don't mind admitting it if it means I can save my coral. Is there anything I can do for it like move it to a different spot, different tank, a prepared bucket of new water/heater/flow or possibly a friendly neighbor's stable tank? Other corals seem fine for now. I'm glad I caught it but I would hate to lose this beautiful piece. As of right now, PH 7.9 and I've added ph buffer to hopefully bring it up and keep it there. Is there anything else I should be testing/fixing? Would pics help? Thanks, Marisa
  9. EEk! I was just browsing listings when I saw a house for sale with a pool. I toyed with the idea of a sunroom over it and turning it into a huge reef tank...then my friend said "with giant bristleworms!" I about cried
  10. My tweezers that I picked them up with came back with large hairs that I couldn't get off. Very scary stuff!
  11. They were pretty scary at first, I freaked out more than I would have if I had found a spider lol. But after reading Ray's thread on his huge worm (which looks the same but quite a bit bigger than my big ones) I decided that I will make them work in my sump. There are a couple I can't get to in my DT but now after my recent oxygen tragedy I no longer have a tiny scooter to worry about so they can stay until I'm able to catch them.
  12. Thanks Sean, I really appreciate it. I found the scooter dead this morning. I feel so selfish for not tearing the rockwork apart to get to them. I don't know why the oxygen levels didn't occur to me before I set everything up. Everything looked amazing and happy. My corals have never looked better. It looks like my fish have payed the price though. Even the tiniest micro brittle stars seem to be struggling this morning. My bristleworms were out in force last night, probably just looking for air. On a lighter note my asterinas were happily munching on my zoas this morning At least they seem unfazed. My husband made me feel better by telling me my six line sacrificed himself to save the clowns lol. Which if I hadn't noticed his body, I probably wouldn't have looked over anything else last night. I don't think I'll find a better six line. I loved my fish and this morning I'm pretty heartbroken and if it wasn't for my clowns I'd throw in the towel. -Update- I found the lawnmower! He's still breathing heavy but better. Tried catching him but to no avail. Is this a good deal on an overflow box? I can't find any reviews on it but the auto start/stop seems to be a nice feature and I can get it Tues through amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Aquarium-Overflow-Start-Hosing-incl/dp/B002LYTE4Q/ref=pd_sbs_k_2 Thanks for all your help guys, Marisa
  13. Just wanted to say sorry about how retarded this might have looked, she was busy taking care of the fish so I took over asking the questions when I know absolutely nothing about fish lol. I had no idea how to spell anything :( - Husband P.S. thanks for the quick replies, she's guessing its the o2 since everything else looks good, but now shes debating whether she should put them back in before she gets the sump up and running (just missing the overflow box)
  14. Picasso is now breathing better in the bucket, got the occ (...already lost my six line (My first fish). No chance of getting my blennies, just have to hope they make it through this :(
  15. Fresh water planted tank, rinsed it out -- just used water. Don't have polypad, wish I did -- moved picasso to a 5 gal bucket filled with 3 gallons of new water, heater and pump. In the process of trying to get my occ out and in the bucket as well.
  16. all the power heads are on and going good, added another carbon filter that has aeration and nano powerhead thats pointed at the surface...also added stress coat. Found Picasso, laying at the bottom of the tank breathing hard :( I am using http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000AIFX4K to move water along with 2 nano's.
  17. Just moved to 90g,fish looked great earlier, now one is dead, and 2 are up at the top of the tank and it looks like they have labored breathing -- Did not seem to be that stressed when put in earlier, nitrates and ammonia are 0. pH is still good, any other ideas? temps good, pH did shift 2 points during the course of the day up to from 7.8 to 8.0, salinity is 1.025.
  18. Just got some live rock and I'm finding not the little seemingly beneficial ones, but huge nasty looking ones that are bigger than all of my fish Halp! I had 3 in a bucket that I found last night, and this morning while rearranging the rocks, I picked up a rock, was holding it for a good 3 minutes turning it over and once I put it down the biggest of my collection came out! Gah! They are now residing in a bucket with a heater, I don't want to kill them but I'm terrified of these things. It doesn't help that my husband went on youtube and found a big one eating a silverside whole. Is the general consensus that they eat dead things? And is it safe to say that my very much alive and kicking yet tiny fish should be fine if there are more of these lurking about in my 90? Pardon me while I devour chocolate and cry well away from my tank for awhile. Marisa
  19. Sorry to be noob, but are these the ones that change different shades of blue?
  20. Wow that's beautiful! Very nice job
  21. +1 I personally think it will be a lot harder to introduce fish once your clowns are settled. More so than the temporary aggression with a six line, clowns can attack something not new to the tank that just gets too close. In a 24g everything is too close. (Give in to the dark side and upgrade you know you want to...) IMO the six line seems like one of the few fish that can handle his own against 2 clowns or at the very least stay out of their way. I also don't think that you should put a more docile fish like a mandarin in that type of situation. And even a mandarin who is eating frozen still needs pods. Or at least someone to feed him frozen at least 3 times a day. In that size tank its very hard to keep a good pod population up. (I learned the hard way with my 15g, my pods population has been decimated by my 6line and scooter) Please forgive any noobishness I may have displayed but this is my 0.02
  22. My six line likes to charge as well, but he's a big pansy. If something else (like my tiny scooter blenny who is half his size) shows any sign of counter aggression, he just warily watches it for the next few days before ignoring it entirely. my six line and my bw clown are now best friends Sounds like if you keep having this issue of aggression after you try again, and if you are able to capture him without too much stress; I would think introducing the clowns and letting them settle before reintroducing the six line would be a good idea. But I am le noob so please take my advice with a grain of salt
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