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Everything posted by DDiver

  1. yep..it took me to a house the first time i ever went out there almost 3 years ago..
  2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37230334/ns/world_news/?gt1=43001
  3. This thread needs to be closed...I think we've all heard enough.
  4. well right now i'm running the CaRx all day and Kalk/topoff at night(via doser)..my regulator/solenoid is plugged into my ph controller so there's no way to turn that off via timer if i wanted to without having the whole controller on a timer...
  5. thanks Dan,Bruce,Chip....right now i'm only running my kalk when the lights go out..should i only run my Rx during the day?
  6. how does everyone run their reactors?24/7 or during the day only?and with a kalk reactor or no?
  7. i use them on a tank and really like them..
  8. Oh no I'm late...please let me know if you have an extra Phosphate checker Johnny. .
  9. nice Rob..how long have you been running those?
  10. I wouldn't flip out about it.they only release the toxins when stressed or dying.I wouldn't recommend keeping them with boisterous or aggressive fish.my cousin has a boxfish in his reef tank and have never had any problems.they are actually one of the coolest fish IMO, the way they swim and their flat bellies..just make sure u always run carbon just in case.
  11. i had one...its was pretty cool until it ate my helfrichi pair..they stay fairly small but beware, it will eat anything it can fit in its mouth.i fed mine every other day.
  12. i totally agree Chad...300DD it is...
  13. lmk if you decide you wanna get rid of it down the road...
  14. Guy, sorry to hear this man..i take it you are keeping the Apex?..
  15. my first thought was corralline but probably a macro of some sort...
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