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Everything posted by mrcoral.com

  1. MrCoral.com is bringing you a "Gold Medal Clam Sale" Real simple- Spend $75 and you pick a WYSIWYG Ultra Maxima Clam Sample of Free Clams A Sample of Our Most Recently Added Corals Our Free Shipping over $125 with no box charge still applies with these great deals. Happy reefing, MrCoral.com Stay Connected With MrCoral
  2. Winter Storm Warning Sale Extended!! Friday-- Sunday. Plus $5.00 Frag section for 1 more week due to all the snow!! Our Free Shipping over $125 with no box charge still applies with these great deals. Happy reefing, MrCoral.com Stay Connected With MrCoral
  3. We got a Frag 6 months ago for $400. 2 colors on it so far.
  4. I can say from a Business point of View this hobby is strong!! We are doing so well looking to hire more help. All that being said it is tough for some out there but they will be back once things get better.
  5. What a few days we have in store for you at Mrcoral!! Starting Friday-- Sunday!! We are about to do some work in the $10-$40 Frag systems and we need to clean house!! All Frags in the $10--$20 8 Foot Frag tub $5.00!! All Frags in the $25--$40 8 Foot Frag Tub $10.00 No Limits!! We have a ton of bags and ready to use them!! PLUS!!! We got in ORA This week even Clams!! For every $50 you spend this weekend you can pick a ORA Free Frag on us!! All Frags will be 1/4 ---3/4 of a inch. Frag by us and healing. Most on ORA Blue Plugs. Please Only one Type of Frag. Ex. If you spend $100 You can pick two ORA corals but they have to be different not 2 Red Planets for Example. We want to make sure everyone get a chance on this one.
  6. Super Sale this Weekend at Mrcoral!! Here is what is going on!! Friday--Sunday Buy One get one Free in the $10 to $40 Frag Tub. Plus a Free Ricordea for every $50 you spend in coral or fish!! Also, a Free Clam for every $100 you spend coral or fish!! So if you come in a Spend $100 at Mrcoral this weekend you would get 2 free Rics and 1 Clam this would cost you $100 alone at most store alone!! Best Deal in the area? You tell me.
  7. LOL. Here we go. You talk a good game Chad. Keep going. Tell them how Sonny is a bad man and you are so good helping us all. I will go get some popcorn. Just tell the truth!! Tell them how you hate to see Mrcoral doing so well. Tell them Chad!! Stop ______ just do it. The mods know people behind the scenes know what I have been threw with you. So don't act like you are trying to help us.
  8. It's the same old dog chasing his tail thread. Chip you nail that right. Chad has been warned over and over about his issues with us. He mission is life is to hurt Mrcoral I want to be clear here the unknown vendor is me!! Mrcoral!! Let's get it all on the table!! What is going on here is Chad knows he can't come after me directly or this post will be taken off so he seems like he want to help the board and not mention my name. Chad is talking about MRCORAL. The only store in the area to have a Full scale farm weeks away. FUNNY!!! What are you going to say then Chad? Cultured corals are bad? The bottom line is we bring in what the customer want and buy. Chad told me about 8 months ago I would be out of business in a year and we don't do any business and people just trade in my parking lot and don't buy anything. We have 4 more months left Chad I hope we make it.
  9. Ok, I let this go on to long. I have sent Pm's to the Mods!! Chad do you really think we are stupid? You are trying to help the club? You are trying to hurt Mrcoral 100%% I'm so tired of it. You have been doing this on every Board you can to a point were I had to get legal advice. Chad was banned from my store about a year 8 months ago. I understand that he is bitter and want's to bash me. Deal with it Chad get over it!! You have a new kid coming there more to life then coming after me. Chad you talk a good game but you are the biggest _____ I have ever met. If you ever have a issue with me you can pick up the phone and call me anytime.
  10. Join us at Mrcoral Saturday Jan 9th 12-4 for a Social you will never forget!! Here are the deals for the Event!! Buy One get One Free on all Fish and Inverts Buy One get One Free on All Coral in the $10- $40 Frag Tubs. 18 Feet of Frags!! Reloaded!! Also, for every $100 you spend on Coral you will get a Free Ultra Clam!! To top that off!! We are Setting up a Section for only Wamas Members during the Social. You will get to pick anything out of this section for every $50 you spend!! Also, Starvin Marvin Pizza, Drinks and Snacks will be Served Around 1:00Pm. Any Question Please call us at 301-695-5777
  11. Good People to deal with for sure!!
  12. We miss you at the store. I hope all is well in Texas.
  13. Well said gtipower. I couldn't of said this any better. My biggest issue with that Post that Sean made was he did not state all the facts. After reading Sean Post it seem like I pre-sold item all the time. Right? We have never done that before the biggest snow storm in Dec of all time. The weekend before X-Mas not to have a sale in the store is a concern for a small business. So we did a Pre-Sale everyone was told of course. Freshly cut Frags? Another issue. Do we cut Frags of course!!! 80% of all our frags healed and Encrusted!! At some point you have to cut and they are fresh. What we find funny is it sounds like all 2000 frags we have in the store was just cut last night. "Come on man" Let's all think about this. If something was just cutnin the store we do not put a tag on it right away. Why do we do this? Just to see if they make it threw the cut. After a few days and they are happy we label them. Again 80% of all corals are healed over just come on in a check it out. How about the Farm? Nothing said? Any investing by Sean into a full scale Farm? The answer is No. But guess what I really don't care what Sean does it not a concern for me. Please just run your business and let me run mine. Stop attacking me!!! Sorry guys for this post but I could not defend myself on his post. Thanks Sonny
  14. Update!! 9:44am Store is open. 270 north traffic moving. Route 40 looks real good. Parking lot good. Come on in and see us today!! Check out our sale post in our vendor section
  15. LOL!! Thanks for the support guys!!
  16. Guess how many Heads are on this Acan Come on in and put your guess in and get a Mini Colony for Free!! Also, a Huge Huge sale this weekend at the store!! Check out our sales Post!!
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