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Nitro Junkie

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Everything posted by Nitro Junkie

  1. Working on a project close to BRK and had to do some research. So close to BRK I couldn't help myself ! LOL By NitroJunkie at 2007-08-13
  2. Nitro Junkie

    10g nano

    where did you set this up at ?
  3. what if you just keep it in the holding tank and thow in a bunch of peppermint shrimp and let them go to town on it.
  4. www.nano-reef.com is a great site for nano tanks oh, and WELCOME
  5. Good Point! Rebecca if you keep it , I'll help move it
  6. LOL , I saw a bunch of people viewing her tank thread earlier I could use some liverock and maybe a cherub angel
  7. WOW ! I'm surprised. You were so enthusiastic when we moved the tank at Atlantis the other day. I'm glad everything is "all good" though. -Jamie
  8. Marvin from Atlantis suggested a fish trap , cant remember the brand but they said it works like a champ.
  9. **UPDATE** About 75% of the micro bubbles are gone. 1) Put a 90 degree elbow on the intake of the mag7 2) Surrounded the intake with LR Rubble 3) Put a sponge on the end of the Skimmer Outlet I'm still going to put a sponge between the baffles and more LR Rubble under the bio ball tray to hopefully finish them off. I dont know if its possible to get rid of 100% of them or not but this should give me my sanity back Thanks to all your help guys/gals !!!!!
  10. There's not doubt you could get a set of casters to take the weight , however the stand is where the "engineering" would need to come in. It would need to be designed to take the stress of the weight shifting in different directions during the move.
  11. coming from an civil engineering background in recent years state mandated codes for rainwater run off have increase dramatically to preserve natural resources. Virginia especially has the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act that speaks to Arts point. I like your point as well Rascal
  12. One thing that was suggested to me was to take the clown out , reaquascape and reintroduce them at the same time to help break up and territorial issues which is what i may try if I decied to get a pair of black ocellaris (already have a pair of orange ocellaris)
  13. Anyone have more than one set/pair of clowns in a tank. I love my Ocellaris that I have now, and would love to have a pair of black/white Ocs. but not if they will beat each other up. Most of the compatibility charts I have seen say clowns with clowns use caution. Any thoughts ?
  14. WOW , sorry to hear that. I would be interested to know what cause such a suddent and drastic demise especially when there does not appear to be any obvious predators or water problems?
  15. i have also seen some online shops that will get mandarins and get them eating frozen foods. I will dig up the site if I can find it, but one that eats something else besides pods would be alot easier to keep in a newer system
  16. Its really pointless to put a hippo in that tank . It will not take long for it to out grow and be unhappy in there. Keeping in mind the tank may be 10 gallons but with sand & rock you dont actually have 10 gallons of water volume in there. That is huge bio load for that small of a tank and its only going to get worse the larger those fish get. He needs to reconsider and get a small clown or goby. Then further down the road when the tank is better established maybe trying adding one more small fish (by small I mean the mature size is only a couple inches, not how big it is when you buy it)
  17. Should I throw a filter sock on the end of the 90 or try it without first?
  18. You mean put a 90 on the mag 7 right? With the live rock rubble does it need to be high enough to rest just under the bio balls (which will be coming out little by little) ?
  19. What about Maru pets down here in Frederickburg, if they dont have it , I'm they can get it http://www.marupets.com/
  20. here is a link to my tank thread in the member forum http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=15574 keep in mind now there is chaeto under the bio balls held in place by diffuser panel with a skimmer in the middle chamber (which i think is generating the bubbles on the outflow pipe) there is some filter media at the bottom of the first baffle after that is the mag 7 that until last night i had no sponge filter on (the one it comes with) I'll post updated pics this evening.
  21. I'm sure it's any easy fix. I put the filter back on my mag 7 thats in my sump to see if that helps any other tips ? :(
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