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Black Mammoth

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Everything posted by Black Mammoth

  1. I would DEFINITELY worry about it. First it, can be very dangerous to someone, especially if it isn't on GFCI. Second, it may get worst and eventually trip your breaker. Then whatever you have on that circuit would be off which could be catastrophic to the tank.
  2. Ditto...and who makes the tank? Did you get the styrofoam for it?
  3. Man, if it was a bit wider I would go for it as a sump! Sounds like a good deal for someone.
  4. I appreciate the offer and may very well take you up on it Actually, we have differently floor plans. I have the same floor plan as the model home. So if you are familiar with that plan, come down the basement and you are in that first room there. There's a bathroom on the one side before the corner to the other side of the basement. It is going where the bathroom is supposed to be
  5. Man, I need to get myself over to the new shop. I keep on hearing good things about it! I hope it is doing well for you guys.
  6. It goes back to the Mr. Coral price thread. Chewy had issues with the prices. Then people thought there was issues with vendors posting prices. I believe Sean removed the price from the post so he didn't violate any rules and put people's panties in a bunch. Then Chewy, asked Sean why he did that. Then I think Sean & Chewy got signals crossed being on the interwebs....gotta love how the interwebs work. Then again I could be completely wrong, but that's how I read it That's why I thought the other thread should have been closed because of the mixed signals. Then it was eventually closed.
  7. Anytime...I believe it will be delivered to my house. I'm still working out the details with having people move it down to the basement...yikes! Anyway, you and others will be more than welcomed to stop by to check it out. I almost didn't go with A.G.E. because I got the impression that they were expensive....cheaper than Miracles...by A LOT. It was also cheaper than Aquarium Obsessed and I was also nervous about the quality as well. After all, I don't want 325g leaking! Miracles, A.G.E., and ELOS are the best IMHO. I hear a lot of good things about Concept Aquariums as well.
  8. I wanted to give everyone a heads up on this. Fins & Feathers now "carries" (really distributes) A.G.E. tanks! Some of you know that I've been wanting to set up an 8' long tank for awhile now. I've had some trouble getting a tank that I wanted. Initially I was going to buy Danskim's rimless GlassCages, but he never got back to me (I hope he's OK). Since I didn't hear from him, I started my search up again (BTW, that was my 3rd failed attempt at an 8 footer). I decided that it wasn't worth my time looking used so I decided to buy new. That's when I started calling tank builders, LFS, etc. I'll explain more about that process and my decisions in my build thread. Anyway, I wanted to give my business to a LFS if I could; especially a WAMAS sponsor. I called many of them, BRK, Scales, etc... asking if they could get me an A.G.E. tank or recommend a glass builder. Unfortunately, no one could help me. Suggestions ranged from get acrylic, Marineland, or GlassCages. Since this is a dream tank, I figured I would hold out for exactly what I wanted. I was about to call John at KingFish to place an order, but I remembered that Sean at F&F had a large tank sale (6 months ago?). So I called Sean up asking if he had a recommendation or sells A.G.E. He quickly said that, he doesn't carry A.G.E. but if I could give him a day he said he would see what he could do. He got back to the next day letting me know he could get them in. The day after that I got a quote and yesterday I dropped in to pay for it So I'm pretty excited about the new tank. I know many of us have been clamoring for a good local glass builder. We aren't quite there yet, but I'm really excited that we have a LFS willing to distribute top quality & custom glass tanks (hehe A.G.E.)! I can't wait...I finally can have the fish I've always wanted...almost...I need a 2nd tank to keep the non-reef friendly angels BTW, this was the first time I was in F&F since they've remodeled. If you haven't seen it since then, I recommend that you stop by and check it out. I was pretty impressed. They had a ton of really really nice corals and they were pretty cheap. The only thing that saved me from going bankrupt is that I don't want to run the risk of losing the corals when I switch over to the 325g
  9. You are correct. I didn't want to say anything else in other posts because, 1) they were vendor specific and I thought it would be rude, 2) everyone is so touchy I thought I would be accused of something LOL :D. I'm just confirming your post
  10. I would, if I had it. I plan on ordering it this weekend or early next week if this falls through. I'm doing some final measurements and then place an order with A.G.E.
  11. I put my hat in awhile ago. I think I was one of the first. I hope I get it, but I don't think I will. I'll just have to go back to finishing up my little 300g...LOL
  12. Too bad it is acrylic :( We really need a good glass builder around here.
  13. I would like more info on that. The only one I found that has a decent warranty is Marineland and that's if you use their stand. I've talked to Aquarium Obsessed, Miracles, and A.G.E (and a few others) and 1 year is all you get....A.G.E will give you 3 if you use their stand, otherwise it is 1 if you use a commercial stand. I'm looking for an 8ft long glass tank. If you have any suggestions, send me a PM. BTW, I bought my 90g and Bellus from you guys
  14. You aren't feeling static electricity generated by PVC. You have something "leaking voltage." If you are "leaking voltage" you may not trip a GFCI. There are several variables involved. You have a pump, heater, powerhead, etc. The easiest way to detect it is to turn off each device one by one until it goes away. Lights will only cause it if there is a direct connection somehow, meaning it isn't the visible light causing the problem. That probably isn't the cause either. The "leakage" needed would most likely be pretty high and you would have noticed it by now I only skimmed the article about the grounding probes. But electricity is relatively simple. It WILL seek ground. The grounding probe is good because the voltage will go to ground to complete the circuit (path). If the grounding probe was absent, it would "float" around looking for ground. Voltage WILL go to ground one way another. It might be through the path from the tank to the stand to ground....or it may seek another electrical device. Cliff Notes: You have something causing the stray voltage and grounding probes are good. Find the source and fix the problem. Eventually it will get bad enough that it may very well trip the GFCI.
  15. I don't know how this happened. Anyway, so I have 40g sump on my AGA 90g RR tank. Where the water dumps in to the sump, it is around 20+g with a big ball of cheato. The drain in to my sump has a filter sock. I haven't been running a light on my sump because I needed a new timer. Well I bought a psychedelic Mandarin a few months ago. Well I would occasionally see my Mandarin, but not that much. He likes to hide in the rocks. Well it has been a couple of weeks without seeing him. I wasn't too concerned. Last night I saw something in my sump so I turned on the light. Sure enough it was the Mandarin! So how does a fish that can barely swim get down my RR overflow? Then make it out of the filter sock? Then be happy as a clam swimming around in my sump? Well I can explain the filter sock a bit...it has been a couple months (yikes!) without changing it. So it got clogged up and the water was at the top. So he must have jumped out of that. BUT WAIT! The story gets BETTER!!!! So I'm laughing and then what do I see? I found a 6 Line Wrasse!!!! I bought this guy A LONG TIME AGO! I'm talking about when Sean from Aquaco was running F&F for a bit. This was probably near a year ago. It was at the first F&F social! Even then I had a filter sock on! It tells you how bad of a shape my sump has been in for awhile... no lights and no changing of the filter socks (very little). Anyway, I thought the 6 line died, but nope...in the sump!
  16. Things looking good Terry. Not to worry you, but it looks like your PBT has a hint of ich. Maybe it is the "dirty" pictures
  17. You are looking at roughly a 14" tall canopy, maybe 12" tall. It really depends on the lights & reflectors you get and what you are trying to do. But I would use that as a rule of thumb. If you poke around looking at people's tanks, you'll should be able to tell which ones are using MHs and the ones that are using T5s Again, it's a personal preference. For me, it made the tank "look weird" with a big canopy. Below I posted my stand and canopy that I made. It isn't fully finished as I still need to make doors But the tank is up and running now. The canopy is larger than it needs to, but I did that intentionally. Mine hangs down a bit to cover up the black trim piece. I probably have it overhanging it by a 1/4" I forget how tall it is, but including the hang over, it is probably about 6" - 7" tall. I'm going to add trim pieces with flutes to match the stand. I built the canopy first and then the stand later. I decided to add the flutes. Everything is solid cherry with the exception of the flat faces of the stand which is a veneer.
  18. Black Mammoth

    Stand and Canopy

    Pictures of the stand and canopy that I built
  19. From the album: Stand and Canopy

    I still need to make doors for the stand. I'm going to add flutes to the canopy like I did for the stand. The canopy was built first. When I built the stand I decided to add flutes on the corners. The stand and canopy is built of solid cherry. The exception are the flat sides of the stand which uses a veneer. The canopy is solid cherry.
  20. I would personally just do the T5s. I had 4 on my 75g and now I have 6 on my 90g. I also wanted a small canopy. I didn't like the tall canopy associated with the MHs. I also didn't want to see a vent for the fan. I have a 175w MH on my 55 (one side) for my coral prop tank. I only did that because it was $25 :D
  21. You don't need to remove all of your inverts. You just need to remove the crabs. Snails, shrimp, and clams are safe. I know this for 2 reasons. One, I've done it. Two, if you look in to red bugs and what they are you will soon realize why crabs are necessary to remove and the rest is OK
  22. So I decided to cruise over to ReefCentral and I noticed an interesting ad banner. Some of you may have already seen or heard about this. It was news to me and I thought I would pass it along. Anyway, it was a link to SCCAT (Southern California Caulerpa Action Team. It was discussing how it is really infesting the waters and how it is a big problem. They have already banned 9 species. I was thinking that since we are so close to the ocean that we might want to be careful as well. It's better to be safe than sorry later. Anyway, here is the link to the website. SCCAT - The Caulerpa Problem The video on the website is pretty interesting, but I only watched a little.
  23. Don't forget how much water compresses when you add more water. Don't under estimate the compression factor!
  24. It says it is 14" wide on the 5' tank. I'm assuming in the middle. That isn't too bad; wider than a 55g.
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