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About fosterspike

  • Birthday 01/25/1993

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  • Location
    Woodstock, VA
  • Interests
    frogs, lizards, and fish

fosterspike's Achievements


Starfish (5/13)

  1. Is the Protein Skimmer still available?
  2. Even if the stealths do electrocute you that doesnt mean it will hurt your livestock, the only way for it to shock them is if it is somehow touching the ground and glass is not conductive. Ive had 2 stealth heaters shock me and 4 of them fail, though those were probably just from old age. I've had an original ebo-jager since before I even started this hobby, my aunt gave it to me after running a few years in her tank and she probably got it from the guy who sold her the tank. Now I am running two 250w ehiem jager heaters and my original 250w ebo jager, I've only had them for a little while but theve worked well for me so far, but I had stealths fail earlier than that. Ok so maybe eheim jagers arent as good as ebo jagers, but they are way better than stealths.
  3. the problem with that is im not near enough to observe and i need to solve the problem or submit a solution for it.
  4. Its for an environmental governors school but not for a certain class, i have AP research class on fridays went im supposed to work on it. id like it to have something to do with protecting reefs or something but i cant go to the beach ever.
  5. i have a research project assigned for school, and im looking for suggestions. it basically just needs to solve a problem, and i would like to be able to do something with my fish tank. i also have to spend 140 hours on it to get full credit. i cant really think of something good enough to use if anyone has any suggestions feel free to help me out. thanks
  6. i dont have the money for MH right now, and im not going to keep any thing besides soft corals in there. this is going to be a cuttlefish tank and im pretty sure they need lower light anyways.
  7. I have a 20 gallon hexagon tank and i need new lights for it, the ones that came with it was a 15 inch florescent light for freshwater and it was broken. does anyone have suggestions for new lights for it? it cant be longer than 15 inches or it will extend over the tank. also i want to keep some soft corals in the tank, but it shouldn't be any stronger than that.
  8. this is a great idea, at my first meeting with Anthony Calfo as the guest speaker, they talked about the threat of wild caught fish becoming illegal. i want to breed some clowns, mandarins, and cuttlefish. im restarting my tank now though after a tank crash so i have a ways to go.
  9. i was alittle disappointed because i drove 2 hours to get there but at least we still got to go look around the aquarium and i got to see flowersellers tank for the first time. sushi was good too.
  10. it looks great! now you got me thinking about one for my new 20...
  11. i think ill keep the same pump and just "T" it off because im hoping on setting up another tank in the future if these ever go right...
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