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Clowns in Tank


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I need advice:


I am getting ready to have surgery in a few weeks, and I'll be away from my place for approx. 3 weeks.  My 120g tank is currently in a bare setup.  The rock has been cycling for 3 months, there are powerheads in it, temp/pH probes, heater, and an ATK set up.  My refurb'ed DOS will be returned soon, and I'll have AWC going.


I've got 2 black ice snowflake clowns in there now (they've been in for less than 24 hours).  They're the only livestock in there.


I also have 2 clowns in a small nano tank in my bedroom.  Given it's small footprint, it's harder to automate (nor do I have the redundant equipment).  I would like to add these two clowns to the big tank, which then will be automated and easier to monitor from DC where I'll be convalescing.  


Anyone have any thoughts on this?  Concerns about 4 clowns in a 120g tank?

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I personally would not do it if there won't be someone to separate the fish back out when the probable aggression starts to happen.

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You never know, but all my clowns have been intolerant of other clowns or pairs.  I wouldn’t try it unless they were physically separated. Keep one pair in the sump maybe. 

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They're doing ok so far.... I'm hoping that I can continue to monitor them over the next couple of days.  They're swimming all in a group.  To be fair, they're all ORA CB clowns so they might be more used to harem life.


I don't have a sump right now.  Tank was thrown together quickly to accommodate the new surgery date (original plan, I would have been home).  It'll have a HOB skimmer, and 4 fish in a 120g tank.  Long term plan is that one set of clowns will go back to the nano tank. 


I guess, if they start fighting, I can get a piece of acrylic/PET and drill it for flow, and then use rocks to prop it up.  

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I've seen harem tanks go well, and some go south. Some of the common denominators with successfull harem tanks are: lots of food (don't want them getting hangry), things to do (anemones - idle hands (fins) will find things to do, usually destructive), and big tanks (120 is on the edge IMO). I think you're on the edge of it possibly working, if you can get them enough food. However, if I were you, I'd plan now in the pre-surgery time to physically separate them with a barrier in the tank, rather than come home in a few months to dead fish.

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