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RBTA Help needed


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I bought a RBTA about 6 months ago and it did well for awhile and was about 3 inches across when fully open. Then it began not opening as much and now it stays shut almost 24/7.  It decided to move about 2 weeks ago and then it started wandering again today so I caught it.It is now in a small tupperware container and it is about the size of a pea but it still has some color (see pic).  I was thinking of adding a lot of finely chopped food to the water since it is a controlled environment now to see if the food will help... Any other ideas of how to save this guy?




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Check out the anemone force feeding post. Not sure if it’ll be useful tho



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Kind of hard to give you any information without water quality and you're tracking of water quality.


bubble tips are pretty resilient, if it was moving, it was probably looking for a more comfortable space. Have you adjusted your lights any or made any changes? I would not add a bunch of food to your water in a "contained" system, I would see if you can get it to take a chunk of something, but honestly, if the foot is holding, put it back in the tank and let it do it's thing.

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I force fed it a small piece of Lrs and it took it and extended bigger than it has in awhile. About an hour later it ejected the food and its foot released its hold on the container. I added some fresh tank water and the nem never got its foot to take hold again. The pink color that was left was gone last night. I will check it again this morning but I think it lost the battle. A bit frustrating because my tank has been doing well except for this and I have a small Duncan colony that has been mad and closed up for awhile.

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Where did you relocate the anemone? If corals are closed too you should check your water parameters. Temp? Salinity? Nitrates? kH?

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