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Power Blue tang or Sohal tang?

Tri Bui

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Anyone keep the power blue tang or Sohal tang with Yellow and Purple tang in 100gallons and above? I just recently setup 125g tank, already have the yellow and Purple tang thinking of adding either power blue tang or sohal tang. Any adv. appreciate!

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Sohals are great swimmers and, to be truthful, I would not put one in a tank less than 8 feet - they are probably the most active fish you can buy. They are also mean as H-E-double hocky sticks when they get big and like to kill other fish for no apparent reason. I would put a sohal up against a trigger any day.

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i keep a powder blue with a mimic tang and a scopas tang and they seem to be fine.


and another thing that i can see is that the tangs like to have a lot of swimming room exspecialy the powder blue.

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I have a yellow tang and a sohol tang. They are doing fine. I have a 75 gallon tank. The yellow was introduced first, and the sohol about 4 months later. The yellow went nuts for about a week when I added the ohol, , and now is ok with things. The sohol is about 3/4" smaller than the yellow and just laughs at him. The yellow would rush the sohol, and go all crazy and try to scare him and the sohol just ignored him. Now they ignore each other, and are just fine. Eventually, I am going to have to get a bigger tank for them, I know, but for now all is well.



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Don - I have a sohol, yellow and sailfin in my 300 gallon. The sohol is definitely the boss. The yellow was there first so he never really bothered him (light sparring around food but that was all). Added the sailfin and the sohol hassled him for a while - even took a big chunk out of his fin - but it's grown back and now all is well. The sohol will occasionally chase the sailfin around in circles but it's just fun - no bitting or nipping fins.


I need to move my frag/QT tank and when I do the sohol is going in there while I add another tang or two.

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I keep a Powder Blue, Yellow Tang and Blue Hippo Tang in a 135G tank. They square off almost every day, but no killinig instincts. They chase each other once in a while, and are always on the look out for where the other one is. They eat well, although they demand lots and lots of food.


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I think the replies above pretty much all demonstrate why I'd never keep two different tangs in one tank. They may be alive, but what about QOL?

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I think the replies above pretty much all demonstrate why I'd never keep two different tangs in one tank. They may be alive, but what about QOL?


but then you probably wouldn't be able to put any two "like" fish in the same tank. I've had a six line for quite a while and added another wrasse and he was relentless in chasing the other wrasse and not just friendly chasing like the tangs - or squirrels chasing each other around the yard.


As to QOL - they could do a lot worse :)

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We have a Yellow, Blue Hippo, Naso, and Kole tangs in the 260 gal reef. Lot's of rockwork and all tangs are getting along. The Yellow tang was the first and the Kole tang was the last introduced. First few days the Yellow harrased the Kole, but now everyone is happy. We have considered Sohal, but decided against it due to potential agressive nature of Sohals... Beautiful fish though.



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but then you probably wouldn't be able to put any two "like" fish in the same tank. I've had a six line for quite a while and added another wrasse and he was relentless in chasing the other wrasse and not just friendly chasing like the tangs - or squirrels chasing each other around the yard.


As to QOL - they could do a lot worse :)


That pretty much depends on the species. And even then, after doing research, its a best guess. Each fish is an individual and will do whatever it wants to do given the variables of the whatever environment it gets tossed into. Pairs work in some species, such as anemonefish, etc., but don't in others. Schools work in some species, but don't in others, etc. ad infinatum

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That pretty much depends on the species. And even then, after doing research, its a best guess. Each fish is an individual and will do whatever it wants .....................


Couldn't have said it any better. We can only do our best but s*&@$ happens.

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We can only do our best but s*&@$ happens.




You have a gift for being concise that I obviously lack!



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Couldn't have said it any better. We can only do our best but s*&@$ happens.



I must agree!

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what is the worst that can happen? that they all go into a browl, a big fight ?.. :biggrin: if that happens, then just take the fish out of the tank and sell it. If not, you have a community of good behaved fishes :fish:

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what is the worst that can happen? that they all go into a browl, a big fight ?.. :biggrin: if that happens, then just take the fish out of the tank and sell it. If not, you have a community of good behaved fishes :fish:


well, i mean teh worst, is like, the sohal tears out the belly of one of the others. i've read about some of the bigger tangs just casually killing other fish because they looked at them the wrong way.

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Guest Edwardj

On the subject of compatability - at the meeting, I got the terror six-line wrasse that was on talked about a while back. He went in with one other 6 line, in a 6 ft 125g. First few days, seemed the new one chased the other 24 hrs a day - even at night. Now, they are inseparable. I also have 3 tomato clowns. Same story - when the third was added i thought the first two would kill it -but now I think the third has paired up with one. Nice harmony. As for tangs, I have a purple and sailfin that go around raising their fins at each other, but no more. One nice thing about that is that they go around raising their fins at each other - these two are absolutey gorgeous fish. I have no experience with powder blues or sohols, but i thought the body shape meant much too - the purple and yellow have on shape, the powder blue is another, etc. Again though, I can't speak from my own experience with those two.



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