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What can I handle? tank stats (very long post)


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Posting this because I'm wondering if i can handle one of those blue mini clams.


it's a fluval edge 6G. One large 6.5lb rock taken from a 3+ year established tank. (Not mine) and another small 1lb rock from the same system.

10lbs of live argonite.

It's been running a month now. But everything that I do monitor everyday is stable. I monitor SG. (Half cup top offs I love it) ammonia nitrite nitrates and pH.


I keep SG at 1.025 I don't let it swing more then .001

Ammonia stays 0 along with nitrites. I keep nitrates at 5 because when it was at 0 none of my coral would open.

Water change 1 gal religiously every Friday.



2 osc clowns less than in inch each (upgrading tank after the holidays)

3 micro blue hermits.

1 trochus snail

1 nar snail.

2 pulsing Xenia.

1 neon GSP.

1 metallic pipe organ.

2 frogspawn. Ones 7 heads ones 4

1 toxic green hammer 3 head.


Lotta coral but everyone seems happy.


I added all that livestock separately and about 5 days apart each. Bio filter is strong because it's old.


I feed every other day alternating frozen brine and Seachem probiotic flakes.


Light. This ones over kill. Hydra 52 completely controllable. I prime it an hour at 10% then keep it at 20% rest of the day. About 8 hours.


I don't dose anything I'm afraid to. I feel I get enough from weekly new salt water. (Instant ocean powder)


Flow is two 92GPH fountain pumps facing each other creating small random streams thruout the tank.


pH doesn't drop much at night. At day it's like 8.2 at night without lights it's 8.0.


I keep the temp at 79. The light doesnt heat the water up. If it does it hits 80. But that's after about 7 straight hours of light. I use an electric temp gage and it beeps loudly when the temp moves even by more than 1°


Running carbon. a lot of floss and a Purigen pack in a AC20. I only add the carbon a few days. I noticed the softies didn't like the euph's slime. (They slimed cus I had to glue them to discs myself because they was loose heads I bought) but they stopped so I'm gonna remove the carbon next WC


The water itself is distilled jugs. That is distilled. Then Ro/Di and UV. (that's what the jugs say) I had a LFS check it for copper and tds no copper traces. Tds I don't remember but it was close to nothing.



That was a mouth full lol think I can handle a blue maxima clam? The 2+ inch live aquaria said doesn't need spot feeding. And I'm aware they get 12 inch. But upgrading after the holidays.

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No clams in a 6 gallon. It won't survive. Plus your tank is too new. And once you upgrade I would wait at least 6 months b4 even trying one to make sure the tank is stable

Edited by epleeds
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No clams in a 6 gallon. It won't survive. Plus your tank is too new. And once you upgrade I would wait at least 6 months b4 even trying one to make sure the tank is stable



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I agree.. clams can be tricky even in big tanks.. they also need a lot more nutrients than a 6 gallon can provide IMO... alkalinity calcium..etc... they typically do better in tanks with a bunch of fish thus lots of nutrients....

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I agree.. clams can be tricky even in big tanks.. they also need a lot more nutrients than a 6 gallon can provide IMO... alkalinity calcium..etc... they typically do better in tanks with a bunch of fish thus lots of nutrients....



Save the clam plans for your upgrade. 

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You can do a torch. It's the same as a frogspawn or hammer

I'm worried about it attacking everything. my original plan was to hang it over the frogs and hammers on the rock because their on the sand. Unless I find one with a really long skeleton stem then it really won't reach anything.

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It's unusual when one Euphyllia stings another. 


Enjoy reading this. You'll also see that clowns will often host in the tentacles of Euphyllia, offering a potential solution for your clownfish hosting concern. 

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It's unusual when one Euphyllia stings another.


Enjoy reading this. You'll also see that clowns will often host in the tentacles of Euphyllia, offering a potential solution for your clownfish hosting concern.

Okay. Also my clowns are idiots they been in there a while now they host nothing. Their all over the tank. Sleep in different areas every night. They have frogs hammers and Xenia. And they love pestering my pipe organ and GSP when they get bored of swimming in the pumps.


They don't like the filter anymore. Or the power heads. lol


They think they host each other cus they don't seperate. Lol

Edited by Joshifer
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