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So to the last sentence of this article, besides watching out for petitions, there are other steps we can take.  For example, we as hobbyists can refuse to purchase wild-caught specimens of easily-captive bred fish.  If there is no market for the capture and sale of wild-caught clownfish, then the theories of economics say that less will be caught and taken from wild reefs.  The less taken from wild reefs, the more that hopefully survive there and the less "threatened" the species is in their natural habitats.  This keeps the captive-bred ones in our hobby safe from ESA protections.

If, as in the case of the 22 coral species that were listed, the aquarium industry is found to be of very low impact, then this approach will have little sway on NMFS' final decision. As Ret says, 



If data shows that percula clownfish are truly under threat by any combined forces (e.g tourism, sewage, warming waters, a sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea, etc.), the NMFS will move forward with some degree of protection for the species.[/background]



Still, that is not to say that supporting captive breeding programs does not have an impact on the industry. It does. And a good one at that. As avid aquarists, we should all be concerned about the slow rate of development of our captive-breeding programs. We should support these programs wherever possible.

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I already feel like I'm doing something illegal when I meet someone and exchange a ziplock bag full of stuff for cash.

My sister is always like, "Who are they?" "Well, I don't know. He is here to pick up corals."

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I already feel like I'm doing something illegal when I meet someone and exchange a ziplock bag full of stuff for cash.


We got pulled over once with a blown out taillight in my pickup truck. Before he left, the cop asked what was in the cooler in the back. I told him that it was live corals and asked him not to open it because it was very cold outside. He looked at me with that "enjoy your marijuana" face and walked away.

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My sister is always like, "Who are they?" "Well, I don't know. He is here to pick up corals."

I know! I always call my boyfriend and text him the address. "If I don't call you back in 20 minutes, send the cops! " And then usually at minute 19 I'm like "His/her tank is AMAZING I'm staying longer, don't call the cops! "
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