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Whats this growing with my zoa


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So short story is i bought some beginner corals from a guy that obviously has a fish problem (he had 12 tanks lining his entire basement..... actually its not a problem at all but he may need an intervention)  This rock piece had nice zoa and 2 mushrooms which he sold me for $10 buck... score.  Whats that growing with zoa.  Looks like a tree.  He has all sorts of coral in his tank so it could be anything really.  


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thanks.. i was just wondering because it doesn't look like any of my green algae.

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+1 for caulerpa.  I have this type in my tank.  It grows more slowly than the feathered types, but it can still grow very fast.  On the left hand side of the algae in your picture, you can see the runner extending out from the rock.  The runners can really get into the rock work and are difficult to remove.  Unless you're trying to cultivate the caulerpa (it does look cool), I'd pull this out.  IME, the trick is to pull it slowly so that each foothold on the runner comes off.

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