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Thanks Jean-Marie!


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Want to put out a big thank you to Jean-Marie (JMsAquarium) for spearheading today's auction. He opened up his house, put out a huge spread of food, and ran the auction, raising almost $1080 for the Kennedy Kriesger Institute's Brain Trauma Program. He even took the time to research KKI's programs to find the proper program to support.


Also, many thanks to all who donated, individuals and businesses alike. Some of our crazies even bought back their own donations in the spirit of giving. It was a great time. Seeing JM's kid's drawings throughout his house, it was easy to see why he worked so hard to make this happen.


Thank you!

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I second Doug's praise. Well done Jean-Marie! I was unable to attend, but will be making a donation to KKI in honorarium to the cause. Thank you for your hard work and devotion to a most worthy cause.



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I had a number of things to do today, and never got them done. I headed over to the auction thinking that I would drop off some things for sale, say hi to new and old faces and then leave to try to get some items done. I figured I'd literally donate and leave.


I ended up staying throught the entire event and even stayed and talked with JM for 40 minutes afterwards. I cheerfully and grossly overpaid for, among other things, a "Mystery Monti" digi, which in all likelihood will be a doody brown.


Never did I expect to have such a great time with a terrific bunch of people. The bidding was a scene in itself with Jean-Marie raising nearly everyone's last bid for them...

I'm more than proud at the amount of money that was raised, and JM is the one that made it happen. I am looking forward to seeing many or even all of you in Jan at the Food party.


Regards and Happy Holidays from Fishface and Family,


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Guest rennfamily

I'm so sorry we missed out on being there. We were literally leaving Waldorf when it was decided it was best to go to the hospital to check on the contractions I was having. Since I'm home you can tell it was somewhat of a false alarm. I'm so happy to know that everyone reached in to their already tight pockets to help. Hopefully we can make the next meeting.


Thank you again from all of us.

Holly, Steve


And a special thanks from Bobby who made it home on Friday and is doing well but still undergoing very extensive therapy.

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Kudo's to the Le Grand family, Jean Marie, Anna Maria and girls for putting up with us for 4 hrs plus! :D


Awesome time and alot of great donations!!


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I had a great time too. Nice seeing everyone and instafragging on the spot.

You know, that frag looks diiferent having gone from the FT to Falls Church and then back to my main tank.

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Guest rennfamily

Love the name idea! Unfortunately it it's a boy you're going to have one heck of a fight on your hands to get to name him. My dad is fairly set on Charles and since it's such a strong family name we decided to use it. As for a girl's name we're still relatively open. As long as one of the names is a good Irish name.


Since it's snowing and amazingly there aren't a whole lot of people running through the ER at the local hospital, I'm slow on work and was able to get some recent pics of Bobby scanned.



Bobby in his new stroller



Bobby's nickname is Monkey so his bed from day 1 in PICU was filled with stuffed monkeys. The one on his left is actually a build a bear monkey his brother helped make and is now wearing Bobby's neck collar, hand splints and oxygen mask.



Bobby's Big brother and one of the two heros in the family, Billy. Billy is 27 months old now and was aware enough that something was wrong when Bobby got caught in the blind cord and went and got my sister.

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Guest Larry-T

I want to add my thanks to Jean Marie and his family for being such gracious hosts. Here's a couple of photos of our host/auctioneer. I also have some photos of the specimens in his tank. Someone asked me to email them to him, but I need an address.





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JM - you really do deserve a lot of credit for taking this on. Many people, including myself would say "it would be really nice to do ......" but then the thought goes away and our everyday lives take over.


You made the effort and followed through.


Thanks for being the one who made it happen :-)

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My Thanks as well JM- you opend your home your wallet and your heart- and we all recieved the blessing. Great event. Glad I could be there to share.


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