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crabs with no snails?


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Since for some reason I have had such a difficult time with snails, I am thinking of getting out of my ban on hermits (well, I have 2), and getting a bunch of them to keep things picked.


Any thoughts on this?


Thanks for the input.

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With the exception of when they pick at my fungias and scolys, I think these guys do a great job in my tank.  I much prefer a bunch of hermits over a few emeralds like I've had in the past.  I keep both snails and hermits with success, but I feed heavy, which is probably why that works.

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I would only get hermits. I will absolutely never knowingly put a mithrax (emerald) crab in my tank again. Plus there would be no algae for them to eat, and the lack of algae is the reason my snails always die (the snails that get through the plumbing to the refugium do not die, and nassarius snails which do not need algae do not die, so I'm convinced that it's the lack of algae, not a water chemistry issue).


I do have concern about crabs killing the nassarius snails. But given that they eat the same thing as the crabs, the only purpose that would be served by having the nassarius would be to keep the sand turned (they live buried in the sand except when looking for food, like at tank feeding time).


But that does make me want to ask a different question. What would be good for turning sand if crabs kill the nassarius snails? My sandbed is only 1" or less in some spots.

Edited by treesprite
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But that does make me want to ask a different question. What would be good for turning sand if crabs kill the nassarius snails? My sandbed is only 1" or less in some spots.

A Goby. ;-)

Edited by TheyCallMeMr.703
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Too big. But don't they just go over the sand, not dig or burrow in it?

I think they do just do the top quarter inch, yes.


Do you really need it all stirred down to the bottom of your 1 inch of sand? If so, maybe the easiest is to stick a plastic dowel in there once in a while and stir things up.

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For some reason the sand gets packed on the surface, even so shallow. It may be that the sand is too fine; it's not sugar fine sand, but pretty small (can't remember the brand or grade). I need to see some real samples of various types of sand wet, to find one I think would be better for my tank's needs. Where could I go for this?


I have a dragonet, so I don't want anything that will strip out my pods.

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For some reason the sand gets packed on the surface, even so shallow. It may be that the sand is too fine; it's not sugar fine sand, but pretty small (can't remember the brand or grade). I need to see some real samples of various types of sand wet, to find one I think would be better for my tank's needs. Where could I go for this?


I have a dragonet, so I don't want anything that will strip out my pods.

This is good sand:


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Maybe it's the computer or my light or something, because it looks a little pink to me in the webpage picture.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I put 10 hermits in the tank. I had one already and there may actually have been a second one, so I have 11 or 12 of them now in my 75g tank.

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