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Fragging Tip


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First off, I have done this with montipora and it works very good, have not tried it with any Acro's.


I am impatient, I want my frags to grow big and grow fast and have lots of gnarly shapes and branches. Here is a trick that I accidentally stumbled upon that seems to be working out great. I recently (4-5months ago) got a small single stalk frag of montipora. I mounted it in the typical fashion yada yada yada. Well in the course of moving things around I knocked it over on its side. I didn't notice right away and by the time I did notice I saw that it had several buds on the side facing the light where new branches were erupting. I left the frag as is and now my single stalk has about 8 branches growing up out of the original stalk.


Has anyone else tried this? Do you know if it will work with other SPS besides the very hardy monti's?



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At MACNA the guys over at Frags.org told me that the best way to mount sps was on its side and not vertically. I guess that is why. Cool right.

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At MACNA the guys over at Frags.org told me that the best way to mount sps was on its side and not vertically. I guess that is why. Cool right.




Works for me. I can vouch for it working well with my montipora. I actually just "knocked over" a couple more frags to try it out again.

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Earlier in the Summer I got a frag of Acro Yongei from CaribbeanJake. The one place I wanted it mounted had a slot in the rock, but to get it to stay (without help) it was placed on its side (the original is in the shape of a squashed Y). It is now doing exactly what I wanted and that is new stalks are growing upward, maybe about 6, but two are dominant. Two areas are also going down which I hope will attach to the rock to stablize as the piece gets bigger.



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yea, old news man, we learned that at MACNA!!!




just kidding, the only sps i have are mounted at an angle so i do get new growth going up.




Some of us spent all of our time at MACNA actually working....

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Some of us spent all of our time at MACNA actually working....




Hey!!! I put in a lot of hours buddy. So there... get off my back. ;)

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Read this thread..............then make up your mind. I like the thought of making more frags from a sinfle piece. It also depends on what you want the final shape to be. I recently mounted some 13 frags & depending on how I wanted the growth I mounted them "tree style" or horizontal. Those that I wanted to take up less room = tree style, those with more space = horizontal.


Calfo's Frag Thread

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Read this thread..............then make up your mind. I like the thought of making more frags from a sinfle piece. It also depends on what you want the final shape to be. I recently mounted some 13 frags & depending on how I wanted the growth I mounted them "tree style" or horizontal. Those that I wanted to take up less room = tree style, those with more space = horizontal.


Calfo's Frag Thread





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BB that's the best way to mount most SPS.


Almost all the frags I've sold for the last 8-10 years ave been colored -side mounted.

I have also found that a slight nick or two (a V with snips) cut into the frag helps produce multi branch from the point of injury much faster.


I also mount plating monti's as several small "chips" close together at different angles on the same rock to create a nesting like colony to encrust together and scroll faster.


Keep a watchful eye on your ALK with new frags as they deplete it fast while encrusting.

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