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What is this scary creature?


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We were perform close up inspections of our tank today, and found this weird alien of a creature in one of my caves looking like he was going after a poor hermit crab (good size hermit crab I have to mention). When it first was out, it looked to be almost 4 inches in length coming out of the rock (god knows how long it truly is). When we finally got the camera out to take a pic, he went back in after the camera flash (guess he does not like light).Makes me not want to reach in that rock again. Someone help me identify this monster that will now haunt my dreams!



Edited by netpez
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looks like bristle worms. good cleaner in my opinion. i left them in my tank. i would wear gloves when handling them esp when they are 4" long.

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Yep bristle worm. In my opinion they are very good to have, their population will self regulate based on the amount of uneaten food and waste.


You may get their spines stuck in your fingers if you grab one by mistake. It doesn't really hurt, but it makes my finger swell a little and go kinda numb.

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Put your finger in vinegar immediately for about 10 minutes and it won't ever hurt or swell.


My bristle worms are huge, but very beneficial - they go where no other cleaner goes. I also keep them very well fed/employed, so even my largest don't go after corals or fish.

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They love pellets ^_^ they big ones would come out (in the daylight!) and grab a big pellet and slink back to their holes to gnosh. Now they just get whatever the fish don't eat (or miss) from Jan's food. They're all living behind my rockwall now, so I barely ever see them in my 360 anymore unless I go around the back or side.

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