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Hi folks-


My name is Ian Martinez; I'm a journalist in DC writing a story for the City Paper about the "geeky," obsessive side of the aquarist's hobby. I myself am a proud member of this club and was able to sell the story to my editor that way.


I recently met "Cowrie" at the LFS and she mentioned what a good place this is for the local marine community: I'd love to talk to any and all of you about your experiences as marine hobbyists: particularly those of you who might be willing to share stories of addictive obsessions, past or present.


I'm taking a conservationist bent on the story but my main thrust is about the folks out there who own the 240+ tanks, or smaller ones with $4,000 invested, teenagers whose entire paycheck goes to buying UV sterilizers and exotic corals, divorces ending in fish custody battles, etc. I'm sure everyone here has a little bit of the bug inside them and I'd love to hear your tales.


Anyhow, please feel free to contact me on this forum, or by my e-mail at IanInDC@gmail.com


I think this story should be a really fun one and I'm excited to talk to as many of you as I can.

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Guest Yomeister66
You're a proud member of this club but this is your first post????
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Guest RastaMan

I think he was talking about being a "member" of the geek club.




He could be a free lance writer.


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Hello Ian, if you can provide me with some more information about your paper, I have a student you might be interested in as a good story. However, as I said, I would need more information to give to his parents before giving you any information.



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Hi all-


Indeed the "club" I was referring to was the "geek" club of marine fish owners. As an investigator myself I appreciate the somewhat bizarre lengths Yomeister went to to check me out, but if he looked carefully, he would in fact have noticed that the City Paper is comprised of editors, interns, and almost entirely freelance writers (10 points to Gryffindor for BeltwayBandit and RastaMan's great detectivework).


In my dayjob, I am a journalist for Warren News (www.warren-news.com, also note he masthead at the bottom of www.warren-news.com/aboutwarren.htm), a policy journal publishing company that deals with the communications/technology industry. I suppose a little healthy skepticism is in order but I hope that now we can have an actual conversation about the fish and thei adorable owners. :D


Davelin, I'm interested in your lead. Also, if anyone here can direct me to the president of WAMAS, so I can contact him/her, that would be mighty appreciated!


Thanks again,


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Oh Gee, I'm getting a divorce (not-)!

But in that direction, let's create a sub-club of WAMAS.


Disfunctional Geeky Divorce Looming Bankrupt Members of WAMAS.


Technically, I couldn't elect myself Pres 'cause I'm still slightly married.

VP maybe?



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I am not sure the story is obsessive, though their is probably that set of folks who lament how much they spend in this hobby- I would tell you it is far less than many other hobbies one could have such a golf, Boating , country club memberships etc.

There are certainly any number of pets that are far more expensive in the long run... horses, sickly dogs, cat vet bills that can run into the thousands trying to keep them around a couple more years. Or the obsession of having so many birds or cats in the home that your health is jeapordized.

I would portray the hobby as a unique fascination with nature. It continues to be a mix of care for a pet, to cutting edge in what can be kept in mixed reef systems.

It was not too many years ago that the hobby began to be able to keep sps corals with any consistency. Now a mixed reef is well within reach of even a fairly small system, and continues to present challenges, a constantly changing scene with more life forms living and variously interacting in a infinite variety of growth patterns and color. No two systems could be the same even if all the inputs we could control were identical.

I think most who tackle the challenges of a mixed reef learn many do-it-yourself skills, use cost efficient techniques, learn the chemistry compounds they use so that they can use a generic chemical such as balls pickling lime at $2.00 for a six month supply vs $20.00 for Kalkawasser or some other additive. These folks who learn this information, and experiment around the periferies of the hobby to find out what can flourish and how nature can be brought into thier homes, might be considered geeks for having such a specialized knowlege and curiosity. I would rather know many of them rather than the crowd spending thier money on what the masses view of what should be purchased to enjoy life in the fast lane.

These reefers enjoy the interaction with some of their pets like surgueon fish that can live 25 years or more, the clowns that can recognize thier care givers when they enter a room, the the balancing of an eco system in thier home. Many are very concerned with propogating thier livestock and reducing any effects on the global oceans.

Your hunt for the obsessive could be found in any hobby. Your protraying of it in this hobby as obsessive out of porportion to the golf addicts, race enthusiasts, sports-aholics, or any other pursuit of recreation is, I believe, misplaced and a diservice to the hobby and to your readers. But then when has objective non-spin material been the realm of where reporters make thier stories.

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My first reaction was a lot like Lee's. More stereotypes? Gack.


I'm sure you'll find people in WAMAS who are totally focused on hot technology and this week's coral, but most of the people really just have a love of marine organisms and try to do what's most effective to keep them.


As far as divorce, a lot of us use the tanks to interest spouses, SO's, kids, friends and relatives in aquatic life. It would be a huge bummer if my wife considered the tank a rival rather than something we can share. She prefers it to be quiet and not smell or flood. Then again, so do I :D


I guess I'm not the kind of person you were hoping to hear from. I just worry that the article you describe will reinforce a stereotype of obsessive collectors pulling corals off reefs, rather than people who are interested in coral biology who enjoy learning about, growing and propagating our livestock.

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Guest Yomeister66
As an investigator myself I appreciate the somewhat bizarre lengths Yomeister went to to check me out,


Sorry man.....my job has me spend too much time bored in hotels with free high-speed access ... :computer: (although I don't think that typing in www.washingtoncitypaper.com can be considered bizarre lengths....unless you're fact checker at Fox News Channel :P )


Well, you should be able to find plenty of material / subjects here. (Not sure I meet your qualifications but I could just be in denial) Maybe you can talk your editor into letting you visit MACNA next month (depending on your deadline). There will be a wide variety of reefgeeks there (kinda like a Star Trek convention without the uniforms) and especially relevant considering the conservationist angle that you plan to use .


As for me, just because I drilled a hole in the floor of my house so I can put a 100 gallon sump in the basement for a 110 gallon tank and spend way too much money on equipment because I'm on the road so much (not to mention frags), that doesn't mean I'm obsessed or out of control....I can quit anytime I want to :lol:


Good luck with the article. Let us know when it's being published.

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Hi all,


We have just finished a teleconference with Ian Martinez of the city paper. Yes, he's for real. Yes, if you want to be part of a story in the paper, please DO talk to him.


We're kinda excited because it will help WAMAS, MACNA and our mission on issues in sustainability how we are leading to fix them, both as WAMAS and as individual members.


Do talk with him if it can fit your schedule!!!



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Hey Yomeister:


I setup a basement sump last October and was absolutly thrilled. The ease of maintenance is astounding. Simmer, reactor all within easy access.


'Course the same problem with the house temp last summer reoccured and I lost 3 colonies to bleaching. Doh!


Now I'm moving the tank to the finished part of the basement.


Sniff, sniff.


Still anyone want to join my new club the DGDLBM of WAMAS?


No fees, since we're all getting divorced soon. Bag lunches. No frag trades, though.

That's too conscientious.

Future ex's welcome.

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Guest Yomeister66
Hey Yomeister:


I setup a basement sump last October and was absolutly thrilled. The ease of maintenance is astounding. Simmer, reactor all within easy access.



I agree with that. My friends and neighbors just think I'm weird for doing it (the non-reefers that is). It keeps the water temp a lot lower but despite that I had to put in a chiller for the summer months.

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Guest Pandora
How about disasters, and the addiction to continue despite the finacial loss incurred?



Hey, I'm the perfect one to tell this story... I just recently lost almost everything in a 75 gallon after a power outage, and would not have continued had it not been for the generosity of WAMAS members (including dbartco). I am eternally grateful!! People here have been so nice, and I honestly don't think I could have dealt with the heartbreaking (and expensive!) loss otherwise. I will email you a story you can use.

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