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Hello everyone!


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My husband and I started a FOWLR back in 2010 and I was a paying member for that first year. I never posted but read and learned a lot from y'all. After the first year though I let my membership lapse because things were going well and we felt like we had things pretty much under control.


But now I'm back. Primarily because I've gotten the itch to try some coral and we are back in the position of having a lot to learn! And I thought this time I'd actually try being an active member of the community.


So, hello everyone!

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Welcome back....I am sure you will get alot of excellent info from all on here...I know I have

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!


Welcome! Any pics of the the FOWLR?


I have a few (terrible) fuzzy pictures of our pair of clowns but no full tank shots. I'm awful at taking aquarium pictures, it seems.

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I'm awful at taking aquarium pictures, it seems.

That makes you no different than most of us! Check out the photography forum and also the series by John Lazar (I think that's who did it) in the newsletter. The archived ones have advice on how to take a picture in an aquarium and balance the levels to achieve what you're looking for.

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That makes you no different than most of us! Check out the photography forum and also the series by John Lazar (I think that's who did it) in the newsletter. The archived ones have advice on how to take a picture in an aquarium and balance the levels to achieve what you're looking for.



LOL, Dave, you stole my thunder!! tongue.gif


Yep, Jon did do the photography series, it is in three parts and can be found in the links to WAMAS Waves v1-v3 on this link.



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