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New to WAMAS!

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Hello everyone!


I got lucky enough to stumble across this reef club last night, couldn't resist joining, I currently am a member of CMAS also, but you all seem really active and more people equal more resources and support, right? So anyway, I'm relatively new to reefing, I bought a 40B setup from a lady on CL last summer, upgraded the lights from an old 150w MH pendant to a 6 bulb T5, which I really like, and I upgraded the old euro-reef skimmer to a 150G reef octopus. Picked up a couple dozen frags, lots of zoas at first, the moved into acans and other LPS, but about 3 months ago, I decided "what the heck" and grabbed an ORA screaming green birds nest for mrcoral (thank you Sonny for draining my wallet of cash, 10 bucks at a time, LOL, your 10 dollar section is totally tempting and browsing it has become an almost daily habit!). I've done great with the birdsnest and have picked up a few other SPS, which are also doing pretty well.


Well, long story short, I've loved yellow tangs since the first time I saw one, and not knowing about their space needs, it didn't occur to me that one wouldn't fare well in the 40, so in order to get one, I'm now collecting all the goodies needed for a 150G that I will start up this summer. The plan is to spend the next 4-5 months buying all the components and cycling in June. So far, I've gotten an incredible deal on the tank, a 150G with corner flows and a cherry stand and matching canopy. Also I have picked up about 70 lbs of BRS reef saver dry rock, 35 lbs of dry Marco rock, most of which is smaller chunks that I am contemplating using as a rock wall against the corner flow covers ( not covering the openings, of course). Last week, I grabbed a 55g at petco during the $1 gallon sale, which I will be using as a sump, with plans to get the supplies this weekend and build over the next couple weeks. Looking at AI sol blues for lighting, and plan to use an AI controller for them while I save up for an Apex. Also have a BRS dual reactor for GFO and carbon, but with the 40, it doesn't fit under the stand, and servicing it has been REALLY inconvenient, as it is wedged behind the stand, against the wall, so I stopped running it about 6 weeks ago.


Still up in the air for powerheads, I'm open to all suggestions, I like the vortechs, but I know some people think they are a little loud, and expensive, but worth the money for most of those who have them.


I'll be starting a build thread for the new tank, I welcome all suggestions and ideas, I've digested a LOT of information over the last 6 months, but I'm still such a noob and can use all the knowledge I can get!


When I'm not messing with the current tank or obsessively planning the new one, I'm raising my almost 13 year old daughter with my husband of 6 years, and keeping up the non aquatic part of my zoo, which consists of a 3 yr old great Dane, a 2 year old chihuahua, 3 tabby cats, and a very grouchy Quaker parrot. I'm a full time RN, I work with developmentally disabled children and adolescents, and they are both a joy to work with on good days and a cause for midday drinking on bad days, lol!


Looking forward to getting to know you all better and to showing off a rockin tank in about a year!



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Hi and welcome, Jen!


Come join us for our winter meeting tomorrow!


And check out the new issue of our Newsletter just issued today!

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Welcome to WAMAS Jen! I am currently buying components for my own 150g tank! It's fun, and I feel your same excitement for getting started! As for powerheads - Vortechs all the way! I'd put a Vortech MP40w ES on each end of your tank and you'll be rockin!



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Hi Jen - WAMAS is a great resource and there are tons of members that will give you great advice and great deals! Good luck with the new tank. We have a dedicated tank forum so we'd love to see pictures of your current tank and the progress of the new one.


Welcome to the club!

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Thanks Chad, Ryan and Steve,


Wish I could make the meeting, but it's my weekend to work at the hospital, gotta make that money to buy stuff for the tank!


I was leaning towards the MP40s, I think for starters, Ill get one, put my 2 koralias opposite the vortech, and try to skate for 2-3 months to save for the other one. My husband is mostly supportive of the tank, he's great for manly tasks, like running the miter saw to cut wood for reinforcing the stand (I'm PETRIFIED of the whole thing shearing and collapsing), but he's a huge proponent of doing the most cost effective thing, vortechs are a bit frivolous in his eyes, but luckily, he never checks prices on stuff and he travels a lot, so I tend to accumulate goodies while he's gone LOL. Once it's in the tank, it's not returnable!!

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Welcome to the site....you will find this is the best site around with the most helpfull friends in the hobby...I can not say enough good things about this forum....look forward to seeing your build thread

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Ask and you shall receive! I hope the pics come through, they're just junky iPad pics...



Left side




Right side


Current frag rack



My favorite curmudgeonly fish, Fug



Currently drawing out sump plans, plumbing diagrams, and aquascaping ideas for the 150! Summer can't come quick enough!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Thanks! It's hard not getting ahead of myself with the build, I'm in the sump building and stand reinforcing stage, but I find myself looking at corals, and lights and other stuff that shouldn't be looked at till spring! Also REALLY hard not to overload the 40 with frags, but I saw Graham's frags for sale and couldn't help buying a handful. I justify it by saying they'll have some grow out time before moving to the empty abyss!

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Thanks! I'm picking up the frags today, soooo excited!!!


I bought all the glass for the baffles, and silicone, and glass cutting tool yesterday, a little nervous about cutting glass for the first time, but I bought an extra 16x24 sheet in case I booboo. Gonna get to work today, while the ravens spank "pretty boy up north"! Go ravens!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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most important thing with cutting glass ONE good even pressured straight pass... make sure to use a straight edge like a T square.. and then slide the glass to the edge of the table you are working on to snap it.. makes it MUCH easier :)

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Haha, no I didn't cut it yet, I wasn't feeling well this weekend, and my daughter took over the basement with a sleepover, and that's where all my stuff is, so... Probably one evening this week. I should probably pick up a metal ruler thing, I've been muddling along with a plain wood wal-mart special for my plans, buses it's time to graduate.


Thanks wvreef, I'm trying to get a good mix of colors, as of now, I've got a lot of frags jammed in the tank, trying to grow out before the move to the big tank, so looking good isn't a big priority, just keeping everything healthy and growing.


Welcome Brewski, you'll like it here, I've been a member for a week or so, and everyone has been so helpful and friendly!

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Very nice pics! I'm quite new as well. My neighbor turned me on and I'm excited about meeting folks in the area.


As the neighbor, I really wish you hadn't phrased that the way you did. LOL

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