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It must be Spring in my tank.


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Do RBTA's start splitting from 1 or both sides or is it from the oral disc? Do they look bad, shrivled up and deflated, when they start to split?


Gosh what the hecks going on in my tank? Spawning crabs, pregnant shrimp and possibly splitting nem :wacko: . Oh, and jumping fish. My sixline jumped into my overflow.

Edited by Jan
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I have seen them actually grow a second mouth and then split like ricordia usually do. Normally, they split by the foot going in oppisite directions and with several contractions it tears itself apart. It will stretch out and then contract from each of the outstretched sides, then stretch out and contract. They do not always split into even halves. The tearing normally starts at the base with the oral opening being towards the end of the event. It normally only lasts a few hours. That is just from my observations.

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