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Sea Hare


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Trying to figure out the reason I lost my Sea Hare today. I have had it for about a month.


It was great in cleaning up all the Hair Algae in my 16G, than about 2 weeks ago, I transferred it to my 156G and it proceeded to chomp up the Hair Algae there too. A few days ago, I noticed that is seem to be less interested feeding. Yesterday, it did not move from one of the caves it choose to hide in, not unusal since it oftens takes breaks from all that eating, sometimes barrowing under the sand bed. This morning it was unside down in the same cave, looks like it died over nite since the hermits had yet to attack the body.


I have had Sea Hares before and I lost them to power heads ! Decided to try it again now that the Hydor Koralia power heads don

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Acclimation most likley....

It was doing fine for about 2 weeks so acclimation would not be an issue, right ? Won't acclimation problems show up alot more quickly, like the next day or so ? Or is this only true for fishes ?


So Johnny... u got another Sea Hare for me to kill.... I mean for sale :blush: ; or may be I should find out why mine died first.

Edited by mling
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It was doing fine for about 2 weeks so acclimation would not be an issue, right ? Won't acclimation problems show up alot more quickly, like the next day or so ? Or is this only true for fishes ?


So Johnny... u got another Sea Hare for me to kill.... I mean for sale :blush: ; or may be I should find out why mine died first.

poor aclimation can happen right away, 2 days later or months later. It all depends on what gets screwed up in the animal during the process. Yes, I have more, but I may have to have the sea hare police interogate you first. lol

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So do sea hares not put out a toxin when they die?

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So do sea hares not put out a toxin when they die?

I have never had a problem when these die, so I guess it is less toxic or non toxic

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So do sea hares not put out a toxin when they die?


I once had a Sea Hare that was sucked into a power head and will still alive when I found it. I tire to free it and it inked. Lots of purple ink. I did remove it with the power head as quickly as I could but the was a fair amount of ink in the 16G. Nothing died and the skimmer got rid of the ink as the skimate was all purple.


The one I had that died did not ink.

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