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Hey Guys,

Im heading out of town tonight, and of course right on cue, my return pump failed on me, and I dont have anything to replace it with. Will my tank survive until Thursday when I get back without any water movement outside of my three koralia 3's that are in the tank? IF not, could anyone in the Bethesda area help me out tonight/tomorrow? I am currently running a quiet one 3000, I have a 75 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump directly under it with mostly softies as well as a few sps and t5 lighting ... Ill be back in town Thursday. Any ideas? Thanks in advance guys.



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Thanks, I appreciate the quick response ... You get that instant freak out, especially since Im not going to be here, and my roommate really know, except to put food. Any suggestions as to what pump I should go with to replace it?

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It should be fine for a few days. Is your equipment in the sump? For a submersible pump, I've had good experience with Mags. If you have more $ to spend, I'd get an Eheim.

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What equipment do you have in the sump?


- Heater? I realize it's summer, but your heater may be keeping your tank temp stable at night.

- Temp or pH probe? If you run an Aqucontroller or other tank automation system, the probes in the sump may not provide correct inputs.

- Skimmer? Skimmers do a lot to keep your water oxygenized, especially at night. If you have an airstone and air pump, I would add it to the display tank to compensate.

- Auto topoff? If your system monitors changes in the sump water level and determines when to add topoff water, it won't work right when the return is off.


Finally, any water trapped in the pipes could become stagnant and cause your skimmer to go crazy when you start it back up.


Good luck,


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Hey everybody, I appreciate all of the responses, I recieved a mag 9.5 to borrow from a very generoud member, and my fingers are crossed everything will stay happy for a few days until I get back. Thanks again!

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