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Happy New year to all. I Neded to learn a lot from you all. I Just set up 150 Gallons tank and i am needing equipments & a lot of things for my tank.


Thank you very much

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Welcome to Wamas. You'll find plenty of help and advice here. We do have a Sales/Trading/Auction forum, but you have to be a paying member to have access to those. Trust me, it'll be the best $20 you'll ever spend in the hobby. You will make that back and then some with your first purchase of used equipment or livestock purchase. Hope you'll consider it.


Like Maureen asked, where are you located?? We have members all around the area, so I'm sure there are people close by to you. I learn quite a bit when I visit other people's tanks, and get ideas on how to better my system.


What books have you read on the hobby?

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Happy New year to all. I Neded to learn a lot from you all. I Just set up 150 Gallons tank and i am needing equipments & a lot of things for my tank.


Thank you very much


I am located at Va

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OK, noob, please add you city to you location profile. We have a lot to offer, and we need to know where you are located. Locals will seek you out and help. Please help us help you.


You have invested a lot in your 150. We welcome you aboard the board!

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Welcome Reef. Yes, we have a lot of active Virginian's here. From Arlington to Winchester, and Leesburg all the way down to Orange (east of Charlottesville). Enjoy your stay. I'll re-emphasize what James said above: Join up.

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