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Appology for wamas members:(


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I did something very stupid over the weekend and a nice fish ended up dead I applogies to the fish the forum and everyone else involved... best wishes Troy

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well I did several things right, but several wrong....


First I bought a pair of clownfish when I had a clownfish set... all 4 were occelris clowns, but two were black... the black ones were bigger then the orange ones... I thought the black ones being bigger would displace the orange ones, but it worked backwards... The large female black clown got in a fight with the little orange one and nipped the tang in the process anyway the tang was manhandling the large clown with his taill.... anyway my six line also got in on the fun and tore the fins off the black male... anyway it was a bad choice to add new fish anyway.... I had a tang that I put up for sale 2 weeks ago and the guy hasn't contact me even though he paypaled me... so I was asuming the fish would have been gone while I was buying the black and white clown pair... so I still have a sold scopas tang in my 35 gallon tank and I can't resell it, but yea I'm not badmouthing anyone on the forum.... Basically I need to go back to the SIMPLE fish choices that I'm sure will work out well.... or I need to upgrade to a bigger tank.... I felt terrible for multiple reasons but basically that the fish died.... I HATE when fish die... Anyway I applogized to the board and the fish because I felt guilty.


I have seen multiple clownfish kept in a same tank, but be warned it might go terribly wrong...


Oh and Don't try and schedual a fish trade before a vaction....I had my dad tank sitting and I had to get someone there to take the female:(


To make it worse I was out fossil hunting and I missed the call by about 1 hour...


Basically, I WANTED it to work and I was betting on the odds and since its a living thing I felt terrible...


So no new fish for me for a while.... Hopefully, the guy will come get his tang...


To make it worse tomorow is my mothers birthday:) and I'm in waynesboro and not at home.... I didn't forget, but I forgot what exact day....


Oh and if your wondering the SIXLINE wrasse killed the clown not the clownfish, but the clownfish didn't help...


I'm glad you guys let me get this off my chest I feel alot better.

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Yes, but nothing too exciting not like we usually do normally we find all sorts of tribulllites and stuff all we found today was alot of braciponds a small tribolitte(in very metamorphic rock) So it was hard to see. A nice crynoid fossil that was about 1inch long and in very strong rock... Normally we go to wardensville, wv and we find whole tribollites in very soft rock so they are easy to pry apart... I needed a sledge hammer today and all I had was a clawed hammer... I even got stopped by a random police women who thought I hit a rock with my car.... Shes like take all the rocks you like! It was funny. They drive jeeps out here! Anyway we ate in a small diner on route 220 outside of Covington it was called the PIT STOP everything was good and we had fun, but the drive thinking about the fish was a long drive.


Basically I've got a book, but I normally don't use it much we use it more as a refrence point. If you find the formation it takes some skill but not a ton:) and its great fun for kids...unfortanlty we never find any dinosaur bones just sea creatures.... My favorite place to go though is CALVERT COUNTY past the nuclear powerplant at calvert cliffs. I have a whale flipper bone of a whale and you find alot of sharks teeth...as well as some very old shells... It all depends on what you want to find and how much time you have.... and who you know.... The best time in Calvert I was on gmu property right under a cliff face in the bay... the worst seems to be the same cliff range in the state park it gets picked very clean! The best time to go is after a storm! Being in the water waste deep in the winter is a very sketchy prospect so I normally go in the fall or spring and I go right after a thunder storm.... they sometimes find whole shells of turtles! and sharks teeth! Megaldon teeth are very hard to find but their there!


In the older stuff in wv, va we find a ton of ancient shells, corals(not the modern kind) tribolites crinoids.... and all sorts of other stuff..... my best fossil discovery was this odd tube with ridges like a spring. not unlike the plate of a skate, but it was so perfect and it was as close to the actual animal that I've ever gotten. I think its a tube worm, or a crynoid piece. Anyway I'd rather be fishing, but this was my gfs christmas present...

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My dad called me he can't find my other clownfish or my anemonies anyway I will survey the damage when I get home:( Hes so worried that the tank is ruined I told him nothings ruined just give it a couple of days .... anyway I'm going to be home tuesday to see whats what!

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Basically, from what I can understand a rock got moved and I may or may not have a pinned anomee I told my dad to give it a day, as they could of just reclused up really tightly... anyway is there anyway to stop the leaching of the toxins? I'm thinking that if the damage is done its done.... not blaming anyone but myself..... I have a skimmer so hopeing cross my fingers my tank is just a mess coral frags everywhere so my dad is just panicing because it doesn't look the same... Hes still having a hard time grasping the idea of how the corals look when the light goes out.... anyway I will post on tuesday when I get back...I'm very nervoius though to see my tank:)

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Yes, but nothing too exciting not like we usually do normally we find all sorts of tribulllites and stuff all we found today was alot of braciponds a small tribolitte(in very metamorphic rock) So it was hard to see. A nice crynoid fossil that was about 1inch long and in very strong rock... Normally we go to wardensville, wv and we find whole tribollites in very soft rock so they are easy to pry apart... I needed a sledge hammer today and all I had was a clawed hammer... I even got stopped by a random police women who thought I hit a rock with my car.... Shes like take all the rocks you like! It was funny. They drive jeeps out here! Anyway we ate in a small diner on route 220 outside of Covington it was called the PIT STOP everything was good and we had fun, but the drive thinking about the fish was a long drive.


Basically I've got a book, but I normally don't use it much we use it more as a refrence point. If you find the formation it takes some skill but not a ton:) and its great fun for kids...unfortanlty we never find any dinosaur bones just sea creatures.... My favorite place to go though is CALVERT COUNTY past the nuclear powerplant at calvert cliffs. I have a whale flipper bone of a whale and you find alot of sharks teeth...as well as some very old shells... It all depends on what you want to find and how much time you have.... and who you know.... The best time in Calvert I was on gmu property right under a cliff face in the bay... the worst seems to be the same cliff range in the state park it gets picked very clean! The best time to go is after a storm! Being in the water waste deep in the winter is a very sketchy prospect so I normally go in the fall or spring and I go right after a thunder storm.... they sometimes find whole shells of turtles! and sharks teeth! Megaldon teeth are very hard to find but their there!


In the older stuff in wv, va we find a ton of ancient shells, corals(not the modern kind) tribolites crinoids.... and all sorts of other stuff..... my best fossil discovery was this odd tube with ridges like a spring. not unlike the plate of a skate, but it was so perfect and it was as close to the actual animal that I've ever gotten. I think its a tube worm, or a crynoid piece. Anyway I'd rather be fishing, but this was my gfs christmas present...


A paleontologist showed me some good places in the DC area where you can find fossils.

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Yep you just need to know what strat to look for and what level of uplifting and pressure...the only thing you need to watch out for is that your not on state park land or you can't remove the fossils!

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So basically my tank is ok? I found one pinned anomee and that was about it the only thing is both anemies are hiding in the rock work I stuck a power head on them to see if I can get them to move anyawy best wishes! and happy reefing

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