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Outlaw's 90g build

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Well, here is another one of my tank builds. If I want to stay married......it's the LAST one for quite a while.....or until I get a different wife.


I built a 65g with a hang on skimmer and fuge because I wanted to minimize maintenance and the chance of an overflow while on the road. I quickly realized that I couldn't keep the fish I wanted in a 3' tank and that, given the chance, the hang on fuge could put quite a bit of water on the carpet.


So, I designed something to the effect of an all-in-one nano.....but on a much larger scale. Jeff (NAGA) built me a sump/fuge that is going to run the full length of the tank (48"), the full height of the tank (25") but will only be 7" wide. This is going to have a sump chamber on the left side, a refugium on the right side and the return chamber in the middle. Both sides will be fed by 1" bulkheads, but the refugium will have a strainer on it that will limit the amount of flow going through it.


I'm supposed to be picking up the sump tomorrow and will get it hooked up this weekend. In the mean time, here are a few pics of the tank now:





Left side:






Right side:



This is the area behind the tank where the sump will go:



I'll post more pics when I get the sump hooked up.

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Well, I picked up the sump from NAGA today. I'm planning on drilling it and putting it on the tank this weekend. Here are a couple of pics of it with the skimmer in it:


Full sump:



Side view:



Top down:



More to come once I get it up and running.

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Looks great! I really like your aquascaping. Especially on the right side. How did you get the rocks to stay like that?



Thanks! Actually, I just stacked the rocks like that. That's why I like the pyramid shape.....you can just stack them and don't have to use anything to hold them in place.


Unfortunately, I let tiling my bathroom get in the way of fish stuff this weekend. Looks like Friday before I'll get my sump going. I should have my canopy and MH/VHO on the tank tonight. I'll post pics once that is done.

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How many heaters you have on that system?

I have 2 in my sump for my 150g system (90g main tank, 30g sump and 30g frag tank)

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How many heaters you have on that system?

I have 2 in my sump for my 150g system (90g main tank, 30g sump and 30g frag tank)



I'm going for redundancy. I'm going to have a 200w in my main tank and a 150w in the sump and in the fuge. They're all in the main tank from when I set it up to start with......just haven't gotten around to taking them out!!


That will all change on Friday.......cause Friday is sump day!! :biggrin:

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Yesterday was hump day......tomorrow is SUMP DAY!!


I'll be drilling the sump and putting it on the tank tomorrow. I cut all of the PVC and got the SCWD ready to go. Here some pics of it just waiting for some action. More to follow when it's up and running.





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I miss having my SCWD...It crapped out on me a few months back and I haven't replaced it. Is that a MAG5?

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Yep, it's a mag 5. It gives me enough turnover so the sump isn't too noisy.


Here are some pics with the sump on it.


FTS...You can barely see the sump on the back of the tank:



New canopy with MH (still need to put the VHO actinics in):



You can barely see the Deltec Turbo 1250 on the other side of the drain pipe:



Finally, this is going to be my refugium......if I ever get the sand and rock rubble into it!!


Edited by steveoutlaw
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  • 2 weeks later...

I picked up some new fish today AND my new camera came today!! :clap:


Here are some pics (and I don't even know how to use the camera yet):


Right side






Left side



Sand in the refugium


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For not knowing how to use the camera, it looks like you're doing spendidly! That or you're just really lucky! :lol2:


Great looking clam! Awesome color. Sometime when you get a chance, I'd love to see it up close and open. That will give you a reason to learn the macro mode of your new camera. :biggrin:

Edited by tbittner
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Steve, are you going to just let the coralline algae cover the back panel or are you going to cover it? You could slide a piece of black plexi cut to fit in there, that way you wouldn't have to look at the sump behind. Would also make a nice contrast when taking pics.


Looks good btw. I can't wait for your next upgrade.



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For not knowing how to use the camera, it looks like you're doing spendidly! That or you're just really lucky! :lol2:


Great looking clam! Awesome color. Sometime when you get a chance, I'd love to see it up close and open. That will give you a reason to learn the macro mode of your new camera. :biggrin:


Whenever you are going to be in the area and want to come by, just let me know! I'd love to learn more about the camera.......it keep trying to read the manual but keep finding excuses to put it down.


Steve, are you going to just let the coralline algae cover the back panel or are you going to cover it? You could slide a piece of black plexi cut to fit in there, that way you wouldn't have to look at the sump behind. Would also make a nice contrast when taking pics.


I'm just going to let it cover with coralline........I think. I might look at getting a piece of black acrylic to put in there......just don't know yet. Too many other things to do.



Looks good btw. I can't wait for your next upgrade.



There won't be another upgrade until I get a new house.......or a new wife!

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Well, your new camera works!


Awesome pics!!! :)



Thanks. The only problem I have with this camera is that it picks up how dirty the glass is.......I need to do some scraping before I take the next set of shots.

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