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Razor blade in the tank..


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Sigh. Another boneheaded move. I left a razor blade on the top edge of the tank while cleaning the glass. I forgot about it, then was using tongs to move something and later noticed the razor was gone!


I cant find the sucker anywhere!!! Tried digging up some sand etc and had no luck.


The one piece of good news is that Im moving everything over from the 55G to the 125G in the next month or so. How long before the razor blade metal starts rusting and killing everything off?!

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It will rust fairly quickly. IME and IMO it won't kill anything. That being said, use a magnet to get it out. Either a magfloat or some other magnet. You'll find it in no time.



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It isnt anywhere in the open sand, that's for sure. Ive sifted the sand and came up empty, though I was kinda careful as I didnt want to cut myself. Mag-Float time now.


My wife thinks Im crazy and put the razor somewhere else :P But I am SURE it is in there. I remember the exact moment I put it on the center brace trim. Then I started messing around with moving a leather, a clam and some other things around. Then I remembered, O CRAP! where the heck is the blade!!! :cry:


I took another blade to "test" where it may have fallen a few times depending on where the Sea Swirl was pointing. It seems to fall rather fast and straight down to the sand. Im surprised I didnt see something shiny down there so my guess is it fell into the back somewhere when my arm most likely pushed it.


If it isnt going to kill anything, I wont worry too much about it. Ill just leave it until I move stuff over :)


Of course, we might see another thread about a fish missing a tail :clap: (in reference to daivdk's post about his bluespot jaw :lol2: )

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I dropped razorblades several times when I had the 45, but never managed to lose one, always got them out. I refuse to use razor blades on the 65 after what they did to the 45 I had.


What you could do is get one of those magnet thengs that extend that are used for things like picking up small metal parts that fall into the car engine while playing mechanic. You can just stick the end into the sand and move it around - if there's a razor blade in there that magnet will find it... then just pull it out. I have one somewhere, maybe in my car.

Edited by treesprite
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I wouldn't use the magnets that they sell in hardware stores. I have no idea what type of metals they use or what oils they have put onto the metal to keep it from rusting. Use an aquarium magnet to get it out, that's all you need. By the way, after a few days, it'll probably be rusted away enough where you won't find it. If you leave one of those out of the water without wiping it off, it'll rust within hours, so chances are it's already partially gone in your system. If you're worried, run a polyfilter on there. I don't know if the iron levels will get too high, but I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you have a very small system. Also, you can look for red sand... that'll indicate the rusty area.

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I wouldn't use the magnets that they sell in hardware stores. I have no idea what type of metals they use or what oils they have put onto the metal to keep it from rusting. Use an aquarium magnet to get it out, that's all you need. By the way, after a few days, it'll probably be rusted away enough where you won't find it. If you leave one of those out of the water without wiping it off, it'll rust within hours, so chances are it's already partially gone in your system. If you're worried, run a polyfilter on there. I don't know if the iron levels will get too high, but I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you have a very small system. Also, you can look for red sand... that'll indicate the rusty area.


I found it! WOOT


It was completely rusted up. Way in the back of the tank behind a rock.


Thanks everyone!

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