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Whats on your hands?


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So as i sit here applying nailpoish to well... my nails.. i was wondering what type of things are harmful to a tank that you carry with you everywhere you go.. on your hands



can nail polish for one be harmful... (g-d forbid i kill mike jr.)

or what about jewlery? silver/gold/ nickle/ stainless steel?


what metals should you undress before doing tank work...


haha this might be silly/stupid but im always scared of putting my hands in after i wash my hands (for one the soap, ) because its tap that you wash them with.. (or i dont like to wash the skimmer, i just wipe it down for the same reason. )



what about ink. how much do u have to wash ink off your hands before its safe to work in the tank.


I sometimes wear arm length gloves but not always... and i just dont want to hurt anything in my tank or any of the Zoo tanks....




thought this might be interesting.. maybe its just me though haha

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So as i sit here applying nailpoish to well... my nails.. i was wondering what type of things are harmful to a tank that you carry with you everywhere you go.. on your hands

can nail polish for one be harmful... (g-d forbid i kill mike jr.)

or what about jewlery? silver/gold/ nickle/ stainless steel?


what metals should you undress before doing tank work...


haha this might be silly/stupid but im always scared of putting my hands in after i wash my hands (for one the soap, ) because its tap that you wash them with.. (or i dont like to wash the skimmer, i just wipe it down for the same reason. )

what about ink. how much do u have to wash ink off your hands before its safe to work in the tank.


I sometimes wear arm length gloves but not always... and i just dont want to hurt anything in my tank or any of the Zoo tanks....

thought this might be interesting.. maybe its just me though haha


The unknowns is why the gloves are a safe bet. Unless your critters develop an allergy to latex. :biggrin:


Pure metals worn as jewelry are pretty much inert. For some reason women have never liked it when the jewelry I gave them turned green or brown first time it got wet, but if yours rusts then don't put it in the tank - the oxide could dissociate and release metal ions. And it will sure rust more in salt water..


Name a chemical - almost certainly nobody has tested it for toxicity to whatever lives in your tank. Some, like the germicidal soaps, are intended to kill things. Soap itself is very bad for cell membranes.


The gloves also protect you against the stings, toxins, and the few diseases you can catch from fish. And then you could develop allergies to your tank. :( For this reason, Calfo was pretty annoyed with himself when he forgot his gloves at the SMMAS meeting and had to frag corals with his bare hands.

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You're way too paranoid of tap water. It's not going to hurt your tank in as low quanities as you're talking about. I top off all my tanks (2.5, 47, 70 gal) with straight unadulterated tap. I'm not necessarly encouraging this, just a anadote.

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always wash your hands before they go in the tank and make sure there is no residue of any kind on them. I recently bought this aloe whatever palmolive dish soap - never again because it feels like it never rinses all the way off.


Anything that makes your hands feel slippery, slimy, sticky, or whatever... don't put your hands in the tank. Don't put your hands in the tank after having food on them. Don't put your hands after being outside touching things. Wash your hands, rinse them thoroughly.


Nail polish has toxins in it and the vapors in it are potentially hazardous to the development of unborn babies. I don't know if it's safe after it's dried or not.

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I'd watch nail polish its got voc's anyway I fish alot and I am always worried about bring bacteria home to my tank anyway I am pariniod I thnk:)

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(g-d forbid i kill mike jr.)


Keep yer grubby little hands outta the SECORE tank missy...!

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You're way too paranoid of tap water. It's not going to hurt your tank in as low quanities as you're talking about. I top off all my tanks (2.5, 47, 70 gal) with straight unadulterated tap. I'm not necessarly encouraging this, just a anadote.



Julian Sprung said that he tops off his tank with water straight from his sink at one of the past WAMAS meetings (I think summer meeting?)...


I think that I heard a couple of jaws drop to the floor :lol2:

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Keep yer grubby little hands outta the SECORE tank missy...!





dont worry!




Anything that makes your hands feel slippery, slimy, sticky, or whatever... don't put your hands in the tank. Don't put your hands in the tank after having food on them. Don't put your hands after being outside touching things. Wash your hands, rinse them thoroughly.





that would include lotion- which im paranoid about lol-- so

i always wash my hands before putting them in the tank-- cuz i normally have lotion on (ceramix really drys your hands up... gotta take care of them :D)




im a little paranoid about a lot of things... haha :) but better safe than sorry? or am i just crazy? Not like 5ml of tap is gonna make me sorry in a 40gl tank....


but i take mol bio and it only takes ONE bacteria! :eek: hahaha between that and food trends, one starts to become a germaphobe :biggrin:

anyways i just thought this was interesting to discuss...

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Does he have well water if he doesn't the chlorine would kill his fish!


Probably not, if he adds the water to an open auto top off tank. Chlorine will evaporate out of the water after a while when it's exposed to air. Years back when I had a freshwater tank as a kid, I didn't have any conditioners. I just filled a pitcher with water and let it sit over night.

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Probably not, if he adds the water to an open auto top off tank. Chlorine will evaporate out of the water after a while when it's exposed to air. Years back when I had a freshwater tank as a kid, I didn't have any conditioners. I just filled a pitcher with water and let it sit over night.



I would also assume that his system is going to be huge (he is, of course, Julian Sprung). Any small trace of whatever would probably have no impact when it's diluted to the n-th degree (he had also mentioned that the TDS was very low in his water).

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Well if hes on fairfax county water they have recenlty changed their chlorine policies. They used to only put the cholorine gas in their water, but they have been putting in the solid form too. Or so I've been told hope this helps!

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A member said something about him putting the tap in, putting in some whatever it is... Prime?... then dumping in salt. The part about dumping in salt like that.... does he really do that? Isn't that dangerous?

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Wait did I do something wrong? Or say something wrong I was always told that they put in diffrent things then just chlroine gas locally anyway. They told me in college that they put in another form of chlroine a sold one. Not just salt I can't remeber the formula hope all is well Troy

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Wait did I do something wrong? Or say something wrong I was always told that they put in diffrent things then just chlroine gas locally anyway. They told me in college that they put in another form of chlroine a sold one. Not just salt I can't remeber the formula hope all is well Troy


No, you didn't say anything wrong. You are right that chlorine is bad for your fish. The other form of it that you are thinking of is called chloramine. It is also bad, and harder to get rid of.


Julian Sprung is kind of well known in this hobby so I was making a joke by calling him a newb.


All is well.



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Oh ok well its just some people have well water like my grandparents and they love it they filled thier koi pond regularly! Anyway I hope it helps someone. My dad killed all my fish in my pond a few years back by puting in straight tap water! The pump was pumping water out of the pond he paniced and killed them all. Even skeltator my favorite goldfish! Anyway the new fish are recovering greatly:) I got one thats almost 12 inches now. Anyway all I use is D/O water on my saltwater tank. Anyway best wishes Troy

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Does he have well water if he doesn't the clorine would kill his fish!
Well if hes on fairfax county water they have recenlty changed their chlorine policies. They used to only put the cholorine gas in their water, but they have been putting in the solid form too. Or so I've been told hope this helps!
Well, he's kind of a newb, so cut him some slack. ;)
Wait did I do something wrong? Or say something wrong I was always told that they put in diffrent things then just chlroine gas locally anyway. They told me in college that they put in another form of chlroine a sold one. Not just salt I can't remeber the formula hope all is well Troy
:bb: The fellows are pulling your chain:


Julian Sprung is a biologist, author, photographer, aquarium design consultant, and a partner in the aquarium industry manufacturing and publishing company, Two Little Fishies, Inc. Julian graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology in 1988. Since 1988 he has written the column "Reef Notes" in Freshwater and Marine Aquarium magazine, and he was Science Editor from 1993 to 1995 for Aquarium Frontiers. In 1991 Julian wrote and narrated the video, An Introduction to The Hobby of Reef Keeping, which was the first product of Two Little Fishies, Inc, the company he formed with Daniel Ramirez. Two Little Fishies now publishes books and CD ROM'S, and manufactures a variety of popular aquarium products and foods for fishes and invertebrates.


Julian's Reef Notes, Revisited and Revised, is a compilation of "Reef Notes" question and answer columns plus additional notes pointing out changes of opinion or errors.


Two Little Fishies' Oceanographic Series guides include Julian's Corals: A Quick Reference Guide, Invertebrates: A Quick Reference Guide, and Julian's latest book, Algae: A Problem Solver Guide.


A common theme in Julian's approach to aquarium keeping is to study the living ecosystem while keeping the technical support system simple. By promoting this philosophy he intends to increase the enjoyment of the hobby and attract those who might otherwise be deterred by the cost and complexity of "high-tech" aquariums.

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Right now... air freshener. I have one of those ones with a little bottle of liquid that you plug in. It is so strong that I don't leave it plugged in all the time. I just picked it up a few minutes ago, and the stuff dripped all over my hand. Wheeeoooooeeee!! I stink! Have washed my hands twice - and I still wouldn't put them in the tank!



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dont worry!

that would include lotion- which im paranoid about lol-- so

i always wash my hands before putting them in the tank-- cuz i normally have lotion on (ceramix really drys your hands up... gotta take care of them :D)

im a little paranoid about a lot of things... haha :) but better safe than sorry? or am i just crazy? Not like 5ml of tap is gonna make me sorry in a 40gl tank....


but i take mol bio and it only takes ONE bacteria! :eek: hahaha between that and food trends, one starts to become a germaphobe :biggrin:

anyways i just thought this was interesting to discuss...



sara sorry to go offtopic but i noticed your signature. did you by chance get that from jeni tyrell aka pufferpunk?

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sara sorry to go offtopic but i noticed your signature. did you by chance get that from jeni tyrell aka pufferpunk?



the solution to polution is dilution? i got that from tamie at the zoo. but i dont know where she got it from

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It's pretty common. I see it in tag lines on RC, in posts on WetWebMedia, all over the place. In fact, I think Jeni actually picked it up from RTR and added it to her tag line.

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HI! Julian does add prime to his TAP water which has aa TDS of about 90 and he then adds it Directly to his tank at home. At Two Fishies, he does the RO/DI thing and Prime and salt and other measures. Why? Because it's a business. Why not at home? Because it's his tank that's been around for a long while and in his experience he's had no trouble. And YES! The silence between the shock of his admission and dropping of jaws was "quiet" loud! And to me this was very funny as a 1 year newbie since I was already doing this and found no harmful affects. Depending on where you live, you will decide whether or not you can too- if you want to. He did say he does use Prime and highly recommends it for the reduction of the nitrates and the dechlorination.

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Well, I wouldn't recommend it for those living in Ashburn. :)


Had to top off with tap for a few days a few weeks back when my car was in the shop longer than expected. The delayed result: diatoms, two little tufts of hair algae, and one small spot of cyano on a rock. Easy enough to deal with, and I don't expect them to be around for long, but they DID turn up! I know exactly where they came from though, and was prepared to deal with the consequences.


My RO/DI unit arrives today! LOL



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yeah i have used tap water quite a bit myself but again my tds is around 35ppm from the tap. I do use a Di cartridge currently just to keep any surprises from occurring since i moved and the tank hasnt yet. but im not likey to use a ro.di unit unless i get a deal.



mostly depends on your TDS. i do love the jaw drops though they are funny.


Though to be fair i like drinking water at ybes house cause he gives you a nice glass of pre di ro LOL

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