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Florida Regal Sea Goddess


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Byron (Armson) went down to the outer banks and brought back a few things. I got his mated pair of sea slugs... Which are stunning....



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I need something to eat sponges - I have a bunch growing in my tank that I don't want.

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I saw them on sponge in the tank so I am hoping for the best. From what I have read they have a very short life in the wild as it is. I don't expect it to be around for a long time anyways.

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For what it's worth:


I've seen these and other variants for sale at Roozen's before (cheap). On more than one occasion, I've seen someone tell Larry they wanted to buy one (because they are pretty), and instead of just bagging it up, Larry has told them that they will starve after a couple months unless you contact a special sponge supplier and find just the right sponge they will eat. After hearing that, I've never seen someone walk away with one.



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For what it's worth:


I've seen these and other variants for sale at Roozen's before (cheap). On more than one occasion, I've seen someone tell Larry they wanted to buy one (because they are pretty), and instead of just bagging it up, Larry has told them that they will starve after a couple months unless you contact a special sponge supplier and find just the right sponge they will eat. After hearing that, I've never seen someone walk away with one.





it's always good to hear about conscientious retailers

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For what it's worth:


I've seen these and other variants for sale at Roozen's before (cheap). On more than one occasion, I've seen someone tell Larry they wanted to buy one (because they are pretty), and instead of just bagging it up, Larry has told them that they will starve after a couple months unless you contact a special sponge supplier and find just the right sponge they will eat. After hearing that, I've never seen someone walk away with one.





I got them for free so I can't complain.........




Found this on the sea slug forum. Seems like it eats the blue sponges in particular from some of the related posts. Might want to see what Johnny can bring back from Florida with him!



I saw the same article... We shall see

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Found this on the sea slug forum. Seems like it eats the blue sponges in particular from some of the related posts. Might want to see what Johnny can bring back from Florida with him!


If it's those loooong bluish-grey sponges that it eats - we can move them from tank to tank and keep their appetites sated...



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Uhh It's only speculation that they eat blue sponges... There were no blue sponges on the wreck that I found them. Oh course due to the fact that I found them farther north than has ever been previously recorded (To my knowledge) They wouldn't last when the temps drop in the next month. As a matter of fact most of the Tropical species that ride the gulf stream up as far as Long Island don't make it through the winter. The Lion Fish are a big problem because it appears that some of them are making it through the drop in Temperature. That is why they are doing a collection trip in January to find out if the Long island fish are related to the Lion fish in the Caribbean.




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Byron, what did you bring me? :biggrin:


Oh, never mind, I'll just look at the picture I took of you flicking me off at Johnny's to see the answer!



Grab Your Gear and go collect stuff with me!


You ever tried to catch a Queen angel by yourself? It's freaking hard. I use to think my skills at catching fish in at the shop were unmatched. Whole different ball game in the ocean.




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Grab Your Gear and go collect stuff with me!


You ever tried to catch a Queen angel by yourself? It's freaking hard. I use to think my skills at catching fish in at the shop were unmatched. Whole different ball game in the ocean.



Yeah, I tried to catch some fish in Hawaii a few years back and spent an hour (granted I was only snorkeling but it wouldn't have made a difference) trying to catch a fish with no success at all. And, on top of that, I was cheating and using bread and shrimp to entice them to me. No luck whatsoever, not even with the Hawaiian black trigger that had a hook in its mouth and followed me within inches of my hand and even the net.


What regulations are there off the coast where you go? Net caught only or can you use other contraptions? I saw a whoosh gun to catch fish before but have no idea of how successful they are.

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