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Tank move - Could I do it?

Guest 4Runner

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Guest 4Runner

I have a system of 225g display with 300lb live rock and 2" of sand setup in one side of the room. I am now in need of moving the tank accross the room to the other side. Room floor is marble.


My question is if I could drain the tank, leave about 4" water in the tank - enough for fishies to swim (leave the rock as it is) and push the stand (+ tank on it) accross the room.

Has anyone done any thing similar? Is there anything I have to consider?

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I personally would not chance it. Any flex in the weighted tank could cause seal failure. However, some have moved drained systems but with your number of gallons I wouldn

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how are you planning to prevent the rock from moving?

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For one you'll tear up your marble and the other is too much weight/stress on the tank. One slip and you regret for a long time but your on track.


If you want to see how its done come to my place on Sunday at 3pm!


I'm moving mine out the door across my yard 30yds and down steps to basement, probably 50yds tops. But if your moving across the room even better.

First -ask for help!

Then being your talking it across the room, get large tub (33-50g) or TWO or three and place beside where new setup will be.

Get a long piece of hose say 1/2"-1" and hook up to small/med size MAG pump and pump "clean" water across room into tubs. Have someone on both ends ALL the time!

As this is going on with 300# of LR and a lot of Sand I would recommend using Tupperware type tubs (20-30g size) and pulling LR and corals out and spread in tubs to reduce the weight (time for new landscaping) ;)

As water is reduced, temperarily put fish in a 5g bucket with small MJ pump.


When tank weight is reduced enough, have at least 4 guys lift and place on boards on floor while getting stand/sump etc moved into place.

As long as the fish AND corals are aerated you have a couple hours to do what you may to get NEW location ready to put stand etc in place and reverse.

Wish you luck!


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I moved my 220 - 3' forward and 6" to the left.

I drained it to about 4" water and removed most of the rock.

I duct tapped all the corners. That was 4-5 years ago.

I ran 2x6's thru the stand and we lifted it a few inches and moved.


I still think the world of my wife too.

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I ran 2x6's thru the stand and we lifted it a few inches and moved.


For moving a greater distance, since your floor is marble, maybe you could use this method to lift it straight up and then put a throw rug, piece of scrap carpet, old comforter, etc. . .. under there and then just slide it by pulling on the fabric.

Edited by Rascal
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Guest Undercoverdork

Maybe you could just lift it up enough to put a dolly or two under it, then roll it slowly across the room.


I plan on moving my 20g into my NAGA 33g in a month or so. Keep us informed on how it goes.


Good luck


Tim K

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i wouldnt chance it either. I tried moving a 12 gallon nano and lifted the stand up and put those furniture sliders under it for carpet. BAD IDEA! The shifing wieght caused a instability in the stand and resulted in structural failure of the stand. The stand folded like a deck of cards and the tank just about exploded! I Lost the tank but saved all inhabitants. Lesson learned.


I learned on a 12 gallon the hard way, take it from me, deal with the pain in the duff with draining and moving and save yourself the heartbreak and $$$$$$




BUT to end on a happy note , I'm upgrading from a nano to a 75g :clap:

Edited by Nitro Junkie
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Howard, the very first thing I thought when I started reading was that he sould ask you for advice.


It's an awful lot of work just to move across the room - a huge undertaking and risk level.


Nitro's horror story is what I invisioned in wanting to move my little 45g over about a foot, with my son having suggested those sliders.

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How sturdy is that floor? How smooth? What is the stand made of? How much of the stand is in flush contact with the floor? How sturdy is it side-to-side and front-back (they are almost all plenty sturdy top to bottom).


Call me the nut case, but I think it could be done... slowly, carefully, and using tools, not human energy.


To wit: a 2x6 affixed to the end of the stand or front or back. Another 2x6 flush against the wall opposite the direction you want to move it. A 4x4 or 6x6 between those two, and a hydraulic jack, laying on its side between the end of the 4x4 and one of the 2x6's. Pump the jack up to move it 6-8", slowly. Change the length of the 4x4 (or add pieces of 2x6 or 2x4, and move it again...). My only real concern - if the stand has 'adhered' to the floor a little, or is hesitant to start moving, the first 'jolt' might cause things to move a little. I would have two strong people holding the tank/stand when you move it to provide stability, as well. And I would definitely drain it as far down as possible, and remove any rockwork that is above 6-8".


My opinion is worth just what you paid for it. My responsibility for any mishaps is even less. :)


Or be very very patient - because one of these days, I am going to move or remove the carpet in my family room, and move my 58-gallon tank about 6" further from the wall using that method. Then I'll be able to tell you for sure if it works or not.



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I would never do that. If you are going to remove everything except for the last 4" just remove the rest. It may take a couple of hours more put it will be time well spent. Just to dangerous. Dont forget this is a hobby and is not worth the risk.

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just to chime in again, honestly what i felt when my tank hit the floor i would wish on anyone here :cry: :drink: :cry:


Wow, you're cruel that you'd wish that on everyone! :wink:


I wouldn't do the move even though I think it's possible. The reason is not because of your tank failing or your stand failing, it's more that if you crack your floor, that's it, what a pain in the rear to replace cracked marble! If you have a nice thick mudset for your marble that is inflexible and won't shift at all, I think you could do it if your surface is smooth. That said, most people don't have the amount that is recommended under their marble tile (a friend told me that 1"+ is great) and I think that you'd probably end up stressing the tile and cracking some of it. Even if you can drain out all of the water, it will still leave you with a large tank, a bunch of rock, and the tank and stand themselves. That's a lot of weight to handle on such a fragile surface.

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You're looking at #300 sand, #150 (or something) rock, #250+ (glass?) + #150 stand = #850. You could possibly do it when you are down to a few inches using the 2x6's, etc. Get 8+ persons as you would probably need at least 4 for the tank empty. On the other hand, it might be just as easy and safe to do it as Howard suggested and use it as an opportunity to re-aquascape. I iwould not use rollers as the probability of cracking the marble as the pinpoint weight flexes the floor (unless you have a concrete sub-floor) is pretty high. Go safe and easy. It'll break down faster than you think and likewise fill-up.

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Guest 4Runner

Thanks everyone for your ideas. Probably I will have to take the safe side and follow Howard's list. Of course, I will ask for help once everything is ready. I still need to do plumbing and convert the kitchen walking storage to the fish room (as the wife doesn't know the plan yet :) )


Jason, thanks for offering. I will ask for your help when I am ready.

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I still need to do plumbing and convert the kitchen walking storage to the fish room (as the wife doesn't know the plan yet :) )


Don't forget to add a bunk for your bed since you haven't told her yet as you'll need somewhere to sleep! :biggrin:

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Not that I am advocating against a total tear down- But I moved a 150G on the stand into the next room and into position by pumping all but the last two inches of water out into plastic garbage cans. Large rock I put in the trash cans with the water. I put the teflon movers slides under it and then with a hand come-along winch moved it 1 foot a a time till it was in place. I ran the cable around the bottom of the stand. My floor is carpeted up to the final position where I pulled the tank onto the plastic matting in the spot where it is today. Then I pumped the trash cans back into the tank and plumbed the fuge behind the wall.

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I think you could move the tank, only concern is the flooring. Marble is so soft and prone to cracking that it's worth it to simply tear down and start over. Heck, as long as you're going to be in the dog house (or pantry!), might as well simply tell your wife that you're also upgrading and get a bigger tank! That will eliminate the need for any sort of move at all, you'd simply carry stuff across the room and plop it in! See that? A solution for your problem! :biggrin:

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Guest 4Runner

simply tell your wife that you're also upgrading and get a bigger tank


The wife will send me out the door with a small bag of some clothes if I follow your advice - Thank you :)

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