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Hello , new to WAMAS and reefing

Nitro Junkie

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Fist off I was pointed here by an existing member as I am new to reef keeping (setup in signature). I have been successful thus far due to alot of outside help from experienced people. I am glad to be a member (application pending) and want to say thanks for the information this site has provided so far.


My question is I have a new green bubble anemone and he has taken resident over the opening to one of my tunnels in the LR. I would really like him to move, I am curious if I move him will he crawl right back to where he was or will he find a comfortable spot close to where i have moved him (keeping in mind this a 12g tank and he would basically be moved from one side to the other.)


Thanks again :cheers:

Edited by Nitro Junkie
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My question is I have a new green bubble anemone and he has taken resident over the opening to one of my tunnels in the LR. I would really like him to move, I am curious if I move him will he crawl right back to where he was or will he find a comfortable spot close to where i have moved him (keeping in mind this a 12g tank and he would basically be moved from one side to the other.)


You can move the anemone wherever you want. The anemone will go to wherever it is most happy. And then it may move again later when it decides it's time.

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Fist off I was pointed here by an existing member as I am new to reef keeping (setup in signature). I have been successful thus far due to alot of outside help from experienced people. I am glad to be a member (application pending) and want to say thanks for the information this site has provided so far.


My question is I have a new green bubble anemone and he has taken resident over the opening to one of my tunnels in the LR. I would really like him to move, I am curious if I move him will he crawl right back to where he was or will he find a comfortable spot close to where i have moved him (keeping in mind this a 12g tank and he would basically be moved from one side to the other.)


Thanks again :cheers:


Welcome aboard, Nitro! I still haven't tried an anemone (aiptasia don't count!); maybe after I move everything into the slightly larger tank.


Best of luck - and you'll find lots of help here!



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the anemone is doing well, although he didnt like it when i just tried to move him. He scrunched himself up into that tunnel i was talking about. But he is eating well , he ate a small piece of shrimp earlier today.

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Anenomes are completely unpredictable. They will move around until they like a spot. Some will pick a spot based on light requirement, some based on the ammount of current. Most will pick a spot based on a combination of both factors. I have moved the rock that an anemone was stuck on to a different spot and had success keeping the anenome where I wanted it. Whatever you do don't try to pry the thing off the rock that its currently on. You'll just end up hurting, or possibly killing the anenome.


Forgot to mention.........


Welcome to the club. It'll be the best $20 you'll spend in the hobby. :scuba:

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Dittoing other comments, it will move around until it finds a spot where it's happy. If it's happy where it is in such a small tank, I'd leave it alone! Reason for that is twofold - one, you may stress it out and since there's limited space in your tank, it may not find another good place, reason two is related to one, since you already know where it is, plan around it. It'll get bigger and bigger and take up more real estate, so if you already know where it's happy for the moment, leave it be.


Oh, and welcome!

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BTAs prefer to have the foot firmly attached in a cave like crevice which protects the column. What sounds nice about the current location, it prob won't move much unless you annoy it :)


fwiw: BTA's can easily take over a tank, be prepared to remove clones and keep the water conditions fairly stable focusing on the pH, specific gravity, and ammonia.


Welcome and good luck :)

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BTAs prefer to have the foot firmly attached in a cave like crevice which protects the column. What sounds nice about the current location, it prob won't move much unless you annoy it :)


fwiw: BTA's can easily take over a tank, be prepared to remove clones and keep the water conditions fairly stable focusing on the pH, specific gravity, and ammonia.


Welcome and good luck :)



When the bta gets to big for the tank , i have a friend with a large reef tank that will take him when the time comes.

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