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winter meeting


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I have to agree. Thanks to Barry for such a great presentation to our officers for putting this togeher.


It was a pleasure to meet all the new faces and see friends from past meetings.

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It was a decent meeting, it was cool seeing other kinds of tanks, and how a lot of "amature" tanks are kept and built better thank some of the pro tanks. Speech was nice, and frag swap was awsome... wonder what I can keep alive. My bi-color angel is eating all the new corals though she's taking taste tests of everything literally! :cry:

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Kudos to the club officers and volunteers responsible for arranging and running the meeting. The facility is not exactly designed for meetings like ours but they somehow managed to pull it all off and make it work just fine. The presentation by Barry was great. I think we could have peppered him with questions for another hour or two if we had more time!

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This was my first meeting, and while I didn't get to meet too many people, I had a great time. Thanks to everyone for setting it up and for all of those that went out of their way to say hi and introduce themselves.

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This was my first meeting, and while I didn't get to meet too many people...


I have to admit that was the impression I had after attending my first meeting and it almost turned me off from participating in WAMAS. There are a lot of great people here though and I'm glad I decided to stick it out.


I think we should have "New member" or "First meeting" stickers available for the new people at future meetings.

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Wow Ybe!!


I didn't notice you were so new.. you have been so active on the forum...


Anyway, I agree. I felt a bit out of place at my 1st meeting (what 3 years ago???) and a simple sticker on the name badge would help folks see that someone was a NEW MEMBER and provide an extra "push" to say hello. We apporved a 15K budget for a national aquarium reef tank today, how about $3 for a pack of red stickers to make new members feel more welcome???



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My family and I had a fun time at our 1st ever WAMAS meeting. It was really nice to finally associate some faces with board names. I wish I had additional time to meet more of the other members. Can't wait for the Spring meeting. Hope to see you all there :)


BTW, thank you DHoch and Leishman for the awesome frags.

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Wow Ybe!!


I didn't notice you were so new.. you have been so active on the forum...




Yeah, no one has ever called me shy. :wink:


I'll be eligible for my 1-year WAMAS member pin soon! :lol2: .

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Nice job BOD. You guys are great!


I think the meeting was great and I too didn't get to meet as many new people as I would like to have.

We've had a real brief intro session before but time was at a premium with an OOT speaker.


Tank Tours, which we've done before and I'll be restarting soon, are a great way to meet

members as well. A group of 25-35 people in someones house is easier to chat with than 75-100 in a large place plus we usually have several the same day close together.

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Thanks all for complements. We will try to work on things for next meeting to make it better. We had a little miscommunication b/w us and the aquarium regarding when we could set up- we thought we could set up at 4:30, but they wanted us to wait until public left at 5:00. Thanks to all the members who pitched in we were able to set the room super fast. You all were great.


WAMAS Tank at aquarium

1) Thanks again to you all for voting to go forward with project.

- concerns about our home tank vs. their tanks - quick answer is in 1982 Congress cut funding to NADC and switched it to Baltimore. A non-profit took over NADC and ran it until 2003 on very tiny budget. ALL systems were run on tap water. In 2003, NADC talked Baltimore into taking it over. The new management team NADC raised admission up to $5 per person (from $2) which gives them a little money to pay some staff & they got 1.5 million grant from NOAA to renovate some systems. But as those of you who attended saw, there are a lot of tanks to spread that money over so it still is a very beneficial thing for us to sponsor this tank financially.

- water quality at NADC - as mentioned above, NADC has been run on tap water. About 1 month ago, they were able to secure a 100 gpd RODI unit and two 1200 gallon storage tanks so ... they will have RODI water available for the tank we sponsor. Just a side note on running system on tap water, as you saw if you attended, sure you can maintain a system, BUT DC about 3 weeks added phophate to the city water during their routine winter maintenance and of course nobody would think to tell aquarium about it so . . . phosphates led to the major hair algae outbreak.


Sum, NADC is a public aquarium and we are part of the public. NADC will only be as good as the public makes it via support either financial or man hours. We as a club can help out and give back to the community and make NADC better.


Thanks again all!

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