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PBT Died


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It was one of the saddest things I've ever had to watch. My powder blue tang looked lethargic this morning. I put some seaweed in and he wouldn't eat. Finally he just settled on the bottom in the corner of the tank. After about 10 minutes of showing some signs of life, he stopped breathing.


Worst part was, there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I don't know why he died.......he'd been swimming around and eating like nothing was wrong.


Anyway, I had to share.

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Sorry to hear that...


I've had that happen as well.... last time was my eel about 6-7 months ago...



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Sorry to hear that. My copperband went MIA over the weekend. He was fine, fat and eating well. I think my Haddoni might have eaten him.


They look so peaceful.... i'm never getting any kind of anem :cry: Sorry to hear about both your losses, such beautiful fish

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PBT's are usually first to go if the water parameters are starting to decline. I would check water params and do a prophylactic water change.


How long did you have him? Where did you purchase him from? Did you quarantine him?


-- Rob

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darn, that's unfortunate. Mystery losses are the worst :(


Well, 2nd only to losses that are mystery losses until you discover it's something you did. :-\

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I'm going to do my water testing tonight. All paramaters were good when I tested last weekend. I have the water for a water change mixed and I'll be performing that tonight as well (although I'm not sure what condoms have to do with it). :biggrin: All other fish look and acting healthy and all corals looking good.


I was feeding him Nori every other day and formula 1 & 2 frozen mixed with formula 1 & 2 flake and Krill. He was eating like a champ up until this weekend.....that's what makes it so frustrating.


I got the Tang from BRK and it had been quarantined and treated with copper there. I only had him for about 2 weeks but he had been eating and acting normally ever since being introduced to the tank.

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It is quite possible that there was nothing you could do for this fish. WWM has some articles talking abuout loss of gut fauna from copper treatment in Tangs: "Surgeonfishes have a mix of microbes, bacteria, protozoans... more that like E. coli in our intestines, or better, similar organisms in termites allowing them to utilize cellulose... With loss of these obligate co-digesters, the animal hosts suffer from nutritional deficiencies... Where do the Surgeonfishes et al. pick up these helpers? From ingestion in the wild (sediment, detritus, fecal pellets... Perhaps having a not-too clean system, with other healthy Tangs would re-seed the impugned fishes guts. Bob Fenner>"


Sounds like a possibility in your case. Copper is one of those meds that works very well, but sometimes has lingering side effects. Its kinda like chemo for fish, you give them a non-lethal dose of a poison in the hopes that you kill the bad stuff but not the good. Sometimes you end up killing everything. Not saying that this is the case, but it is plausible.

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It is quite possible that there was nothing you could do for this fish. WWM has some articles talking abuout loss of gut fauna from copper treatment in Tangs...


Vey true, and I was thinking the same thing when I saw the mention of Cu, but I think in his case, the fish was already eating. I've lost a yellow tang a long time ago following Cu treatment, but the the fish never started eating again.


Besides I think BRK uses a very low - prophylactic (here's that word again Steve) dosage of Cu in their q tanks.


-- Rob

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Vey true, and I was thinking the same thing when I saw the mention of Cu, but I think in his case, the fish was already eating. I've lost a yellow tang a long time ago following Cu treatment, but the the fish never started eating again.


Besides I think BRK uses a very low - prophylactic (here's that word again Steve) dosage of Cu in their q tanks.


-- Rob



Thats the rub with the loss of gut fauna. The fish is eating, they just can't digest the food properly.

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I'm starting to think that you may be on to something here. My Naso Tang (bought from the same place and treated with copper) has been eating like a champ since the day after he was put into my tank. He is now showing the same symptoms that the PBT showed.........lethargic and just hovering near the bottom of the tank. I've also noticed that the orange ring around his tail has turned white.


Is there anything that I can do for the fish??

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