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Found 11 results

  1. I got 2 redsea reefLED fixtures, and let me just say...I have never been more upset, frustrated, and infuriated with any piece of equipment EVER!!!! First of all, what kind of nonsense is making it so that the ONLY way to use it is through WiFi and an app?!?! Nothing should EVER not have the ability to be used manually! Other than preference, it’s just plain stupid! WiFi can go out, not be strong enough, or any number of other things, which leave u with either no lighting if u have to just turn it off, or no control over it at all! I can’t get over how idiotic that was to do!!!!!! Mine, with much much much corresponding back and forth with RedSea, are the most unreliable piece of trash ever! At first the new one(I bought a used one and a new one) wouldn’t connect to the app, even tho everything was going exactly according to the instructions, and then it eventually DID, but I then had to hard reset the used one to change the settings, but then THAT one stopped appearing(I’m GREATLY abbreviating things, and leaving issues out), even after hard resetting/deleting and starting over. Once I got the WiFi extended they worked for a day, and I was able to set them up, but then they stopped showing up again, no matter what I did, but the lights were running as I wanted, so whatever, but now I need to reset it to “acclimation” and change other stuff, but now they just plain don’t show up on the app at all, even tho I had to buy, and pay monthly for a WiFi extender, JUST for these. I’m not really asking for suggestions on how to work them, they’re trash and I want nothing to do with them anymore, although if u actually know what’s wrong, I’d like to know, cause RedSea doesn’t even know, cause they can’t help. I’m asking for suggestions on other lighting. I may be done with LEDS. I said I’ll give it one more chance, and this was chance 3, and I’ve never dealt with more trash than LED fixtures In general, but If anyone knows any fixtures that don’t cost a ton, as I’ve now thrown away over a grand, that are basically perfect, that just plain do NOT have any problems, I’d b interested in hearing about them.
  2. Is there anything other than a PAR meter that can give u relevant info about lighting intensity levels? PAR meters are just so expensive. I’m having such a hard time figuring out how to adjust stuff with vague LED fixtures! I have no idea where to put things that might seem like they aren’t at their best. More light? Less? Much more? Much less? Is there maybe some equation that can be used to figure lighting or PAR levels, using LED bulb wattages, light level percentages, height from water, and water depth? Lol I knew I was gonna hate dealing with LED systems long before I ever decided to give them a try!
  3. I’ve seen it mentioned, but nothing about why, or what to do! My little guy seems as healthy as ever, but his lights seem to be almost out. They REFLECT light pretty well, which I can tell cause he leaves them uncovered a lot now, at least around feeding time, but Ive recently noticed how dim they’ve been getting, and now possibly out. It’s in my QT tank still, and I’ve never introduced any medications since the tank was set up for him, but I’m sure there’s residual copper in the rocks and everything. I didn’t think of copper as a big anti-bacterial agent! Is it? His lights didn’t start diminishing for many weeks.
  4. What would anybody consider this lighting to be? I feel like it's about 12,000K. It's come up sometimes, trying to explain to someone what I'm looking for, but would like to try to be sure Im not giving the wrong idea. This is pretty much the lighting appearance Ive been hoping to get in my tank, but is starting to seem impossible with anything but the super expensive LEDs, which is why my plan is to just go back to T5s. *those are radion gen 4. I can't afford that range of fixtures
  5. Out of curiosity, do corals generally tend to grow slower when under heavy "display" actinics? I know there are so many other variables, but in a general sense, assuming other variables are equal, corals are under those very heavy actinic lighting(towards the 20,000k levels)do they grow slower than when under much more balanced white daylighting(closer to 10,000k)?
  6. my LED fixture overheats and turns off regularly,(even now in the winter when it's cooler all around. I think it shuts off when it hits 120F, until it gets back down to 100F), and probably turns off at LEAST once an hour for 10-20+ minutes at a time in the summer, and I don't even have the LED strength turned up above I believe 60, so I really need a fan beyond the built in crappy ones. Can anyone suggest any good fans that will make a big enough difference to keep it running nonstop? I plan on turning the LEDS all the way upto to 100 soon. I really can't afford super pricey ones, and would really prefer them not to be loud like a room fan.
  7. I have a new worry about all these almost-beyond-belief colorful corals. I just got a frag of tropic thunder that arrived today, which in pictures is on the level of most of those insanely amazing corals, like cornbreds stuff(maybe it IS a cornbred?), but in regular reef lighting it's VERY unimpressive! In fact, It's less colorful than most "plain" looking corals. Shining actinic moonlight on it, I'm getting the colors to come out, which makes me wonder if that's how all these corals are, that are so colorful and bright that it looks like they're under a blacklight. Are they standard, and less than standard looking corals in some cases, most of the time, and only actually impressive looking when the tank is under non-normal viewing conditions (night time/moonlight actinics, or just while being shown off)? It's pretty obvious that at least most of the pictures Ive seen, if not all, are under heavy actinics, but that definitely doesn't necessarily mean they wouldn't still be amazing otherwise, but is that why I only see actinic flooded pics?
  8. Does anyone know if it's ok to use red light to view pinecone/flashlight/nocturnal fish? I feel like Iv seen something in the past that said unlike most animals, the red light thing doesn't work for/isn't good for at least for pinecones and flashlights. I know it works for deepwater fish, so maybe I'm wrong, but i can't find that info, or similar information now. I'd really like to find out to watch to see if it's eating after dark. Pinecones give off red light as they age, so searching for pinecone fish and "red light"/"red" brings up almost every article ever written about them lol
  9. As many of you know, our primary business is centered around installation, maintenance, moving, and breakdown of tank setups. Several people have come in asking for used equipment lately (particularly lights.) This week we broke down several local tanks and have three used light units for sale. Please PM for pricing. All used items are sold on a first-come first-serve basis and are sold as-is. I would recommend replacing all of the bulbs on these units (if you order the bulbs through us we can work out a deal for you.) 72" 12-Bulb T5 Current-USA (Includes 7 39w Used UVL bulbs) 48" 4-Bulb T5 Coralife (Includes 4 54w Used TrueLumen bulbs) (Missing the ballast for the integrated LED Moonlights) 48" 4-Bulb PC AquaticLife (Includes 4 65w Used AquaticLife bulbs) (Built in Controller, Includes integrated LED Moonlights)
  10. I recently bought a bunch of bulbs for over my tank. The order included 2 x 48" ATI B+ T5s, 2 x 250w Radiums, and a 150x Phoenix 14K DE bulb. I had a very special shipping request and a guy named Crash at www.soslightbulbs.com was awesome. He took great care of me. And beside that, they have the best prices on these bulbs that I was able to find at the time. I would encourage anyone still running halides to check this site out when you need to replace them. http://www.soslightbulbs.com/ Bruce
  11. From the album: Acrylic and 90 gallon tanks

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