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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. i would try to find a cool pair of clown fish,something no one has, i think gobies are cool but cardinal fish are boring they dont have a personality like other fish.
  2. thanks i think i am going to take down my tank and get him out of there
  3. sps, 180 gallon with 1000 watts of light above it i just put in a flame angel and i think that might be the problem but when i check my calcium level it was at 340 and that is low. If the calcium is low would that cause the polyps not to come out.
  4. what could be the reason for my polps not coming out? thanks
  5. I have been using it ever since i have set up my tank and i love it, no problems at all. What i did is bought a 5 gallon drip container and i mix it every night with two table spoons per gallon of water and let it sit for a couple of hours and than let it drip on in not to fast. You will see a little bit at the bottom of the container and i poor that out and start the process over again.
  6. on my 180 with a 40 gallon sump and a 40 gallon fuge i change 15 gallons every week, the thing that i have herd is if you are going to do water changes than do them dont do them once a week for a year than 1 a month the next year. Go to reefcentral and read some of the things that happen to ppl that did that.
  7. with that stuff you need to let it work, try this waite a couple days if it is still there do a water change and cyphon it out and see if it comes back. Is it in your sand or rocks? If its in your sand you are going to need something to move the sand around every once in a while like sand sifting star fish work good or sand sifting snails. The only reason i say that is because in my 30 gallon i couldnt get it of my sand and when i put those buggers in i never saw the stuff again.
  8. i agree that those powerheads may be cool but they will never have anything on tunze, just seeing mine work it is really kool how it can push that much water.
  9. it will help out alot you will see
  10. if your tank stays at 80 all the time than that is ok dont waist your money on a chiller, my 180 stays at 79.3 all the time and will get to 80-81 and i have no problems at all, i have a buddy whos tank got to 84 all the time and everything in there was fine so i think you shouldnt waist your money on something that is going to drop your temp down one degree. You cant buy a little chiller and thinks your going to drop the temp 5 degrees because that is not what is going to happen, and what these ppl arnt telling you is that they have problems with them and when they break you have to call a ac guy to fix them or buy another one. Try this first get a fan and point it at the lights so it is blowing the hot air from your lighs away from the water and i bet you money that it will drop the temp almost 2 degrees. hope that helps.
  11. wolfman


    it depends on what day you go to these fish stores, like last time i was there he just got a shipment in and the other time he didnt have much so it all depends.
  12. what is it with walleys, i thought that they were going to change the store and it look like they were changing things but evey thing in there is over priced like crazy, and to tell you something else you used to be able to go to roozens and get fish cheap but there prizes are getting up there for fish that have a 30% chance of living. If i was going to buy a fish it probly would have to be from the marine scene because there fish always look good.
  13. ya i wasnt saying they were a bad store i said the ppl were nice if you can read i just thought it was a little hard to see what was for sale and what wasnt for sale, and it is good for a lfs to here this so when me or you go back it is easy to see what is for sale and what isnt, but by no means did i say they were a bad store like walleys jkjkjk.
  14. thanks everyone. How do i become a full member?
  15. whats up guys i guess i could tell you a little about my setup. Its a 180 72-24-24 it has a sand bed with 250 pounds of live rock, i have 2 tunze 6100 with controller on pulzing mode "i found that my corals like it better". The sump is a 40 breeder that i got from super pets with a ASM skimmer "i am not sure if it is a g4 or g3" but what ever it is it works great. I have a fuge on the side of it but i dont think it is big enough so i am going to get a 20 gallon tank drilled and make a fuge out of that since i have a light kit for it from my previous tank. For calicium and alk i drip kalk using a five gallon doser and add alk every other day, i have found that to work great. My fish are a naso tang, blue jaw trigger, and a scopas tang. My light is suplied by 3 250 watt 10000k and 4 3ft long t5 dont no the watts, the kit is a aqua medic 72in long looks good i might go to 14k but my corals look like they have put on growth all ready so i am going to hold on that idea because i have herd that you dont get good growth under 20000k but the colors seem to come out better under 20000k. I plan on making it a sps tank only but there are some soft corals that look good so who knows. I am going to try to post pics of the setup if i can figure it out.
  16. thanks i will give you all a call
  17. ya i agree they are kinda new in the salwater area i guess they have alot of room to grow, but i am not saying that they are a bad store
  18. when i was there they had a sign pointing to some things for sale and i said i i wanted some zoos and they were like o those are not for sale were fraging them even tho what they were fraging takes one year to grow one polyp. there was no confusion because things they were fraging were in the section that had a for sale arrow pointing to it.
  19. The ppl there are very nice, but they said that they were trying to frag them. I would think if you were a fish store that you would have a seperate tank for your frags so customers wouldnt get confused over what was or wasnt for sale thats all.
  20. Ok i have been there a couple times and it seems like all the good stuff they have in there selling tank is NOT FOR SALE. What is the deal with that? I think that fins and feathers has a much better selection than blue ribbon koi and if blue ribbon koi is not going to sell something because they are going to frag it than dont put it in there selling tank.
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