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Everything posted by yagerboy

  1. Others may be of more help, but my experience has been that most triggers are ok with most softies and some lps, but will constantly chew and sps and most hard corals. Yhe other thing is (other than spiny urchins) you can forget about having any snails, shrinp, crabs, etc for a cleanup crew. Good Luck! Pink Tails are pretty fish.
  2. I have a FOWLR 180 gallon that I've had up and running for about 2 years. I will try and dig up pics and post them. Currently, I have Yellow Tang, Orange Shoulder, Picasso Trigger, Lunare Wrasse and a snowflake eel. They are all compatible and seem to get along fine. The snowflake has several times mistook one of my fish for food and drug them under the rocks but they always seem to wiggle away ungharmed. One note is that it is hard to keep coralline growing because they constantly eat it (mainly the picasso). No snails will survive so I have urchins that reproduce and do a pretty good job of keeping the tank clean.
  3. I havce found that marinedepot.com has it for the best price.
  4. He will undoubtedly suffer losses. No way he can keep all of those fish compatable for long.
  5. I recommend the GE Silicone I. You can get at any hardware store and is cheap. Just make sure it says 100% silicone.
  6. I think the Sohal must have gotten drug under the roacks and recycled. He has tried that with my trigger before. My eel gets a nice sized peice of fish every night and I had heard that you are not supposed to feed them everyday, but I do to keep him less aggressive. Recently, he has become very aggressive..coming to the top when I walk up to the tank. He even eats algae sheets.
  7. I bought a Sohal tang from BRK about a year or so ago. He had been doing fine until I noticed he was gone about a week ago. The Sohal was about 5-6 inches in length and was always healthy. I have a Snowflake Eel which is about 14-18 inches. When I feed them, the eel will blindly take shots at my other fish (Yellow Tang, Picasso Trigger, Orange Shoulder Tang and Lunare Wrasse). I have actually seen him grab and hold onto the trigger several times but he always escapes, seemingly ubharmed. I have looked around the tank and he did not jump out but I cannot find any remans in the tank either. Is this possible for a snowflake to kill and eat my Sohal? If so, I think its time for him to go. The Sohal was my favorite and don't want to chance another victim. yagerboy
  8. I have a Peach Briarium that was doing fine for 1+ yeat and is still encrusting everything around but no polyps are emerging. When they do - only half way. I have a Green Briarium and it is doing great. Any suggestions on what could be causing this?...do they go through "dormant" periods?
  9. if willing to part how much for the trickle filter and sump?
  10. yagerboy


  11. yagerboy


    coral pics
  12. yagerboy


    Some ID pics
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