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Everything posted by pco1988

  1. Welcome to the both of you!!!
  2. Thank you, all comments welcome and not dicouraged. Philip
  3. 1200watts on light will do that. It is the algea bloom I always have gotton starting up a new tank. Philip
  4. The tank has only been running for about 2 monthes. I have had the tank since May. Philip
  5. Well since I got so many questions on how my tank is doing I am now posting pics of the tank, tank room, and back room. I hope all of you enjoy the eye candy. Philip The 210 Gallon The Room The Back Room
  6. Chris you need to come and see the beast. Give me a call when you get back as well. Philip
  7. Here are a few pics of the progress tonight: Philip
  8. Well the water comes in on the right side and travels through the protein skimmer. There will be an Eheim in the first chamber for the two fluidized reactors. On the bottom there is a 1 inch gap between the bottom and the divider. Which water flows through the second chanmber and then into the last chamber and goes through the calcium reactor and out into the return pump which is feeding the UV and chiller. The tank in the middle is my top off tank and it is being feed with an RO/DI in the back room and fed using a Tunze Osmilator and is fed into the kalk stirrer into the first chamber. There is a quick explanation on how the sump works. Thanks Chris!!! Philip
  9. Hey everyone, its been a while since I last posted here. Last time I was setting up my 210gal tank, and well since then I have changed the design. The "old" oceanic sump has come out and has been replaced by a new custom made sump. I plan on having water in the tank by next weekend. I will update you guys when some thing else happens. Here are some pictures of the new sump with it components: Philip
  10. I bought a 400watt pendent and it was packed very well. No problems at all. Philip
  11. Hey everyone, I had a great time and met more of you and hope to meet more soon. Well I am writing this about half an hour from when I got home from the social, YES a half an hour. Right now as I am writing this it is about 2:45 in the am. It started 5 minutes down the road of the intersection of Lee Hwy and Stone Rd. I got a flat tire (no big deal, put the donut on and go, right?). Nope not the case tonight. The jack was rusted so bad it would not operate. So I called AAA, and they said they will get to me between 9:48pm and 12:47am. So I went great, so then I called Geico because we get road side assitance from them too. They said in someone will be with you in the next 45 minutes (Great!). So I wait for 20 minutes and AAA calls up and says they will be there in 20 to 25 minutes to help swap tires. Come to find out that the locking lug nut key was stripped. So then I have to call again. To make a long story short I got a flat bed to tow me home to Annapolis and had my parents pick me up at the dealership. I think this is the longest 67 miles of my life. Started from BRK at 9:40pm and ended at home at 2:15am. Philip
  12. I hope to get my Jeff original tomorrow!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!! Philip
  13. I will definatly get back with you. Thank god i didn't order them two weeks ago! Philip
  14. That is truely an awesome lil pico. I have a 5.5 but not nearly as nice as yours. Philip
  15. I would love to do that! I won't pass up an opportunity to see a fellow members tank and take photos to inprove my skills. By the way these photos were picked from some 208 pictures. There are more if you guys want to see more. Philip
  16. Needed some TLC like normal but almost all the sharks were swimming. A improvment since my last visit. Philip
  17. I went to the Baltimore Aquarium in school today and took some 300 pictures. Here are some of the better ones. I did not use any editing software for the pictures as there are far too many. Philip more... and more... and the last... I hoped you enjoyed your field trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD.
  18. I have signed up but don't see WAMAS Student Member under my name, why?
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