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Everything posted by dano

  1. Thanks... it was your strong suggestion about quaratining that pushed me to do it... No question about treating the other fish as I saw they were also infected, though their behavior - eating, swimming- has been good. The powder blue mostly rests on bottom, breaths heavy, occasionally takes a swim around and then returns to spot. He did eat some brine shrimp that came close to him yeaterday. Is there any way the brine shrimp (from Superpets) could have brought the ich into the tank? As for what I have done.. set up a new tank in a 5 gallon or so bucket, 1/3 new saltwater and 2/3 from display tank, only put n plastic hiding places, fliter with no biowheel or fliter pad, heater at 78, and 2.5 ml of the Rid Ich. Cleaning out 15 gallon quaratine tank and will move them back in in the next couple of days. Not sure whther to keep treating with the Rid Ich or not but I think I will. Also thought of trying the hyposalinnity ... will probably try to slowly adjust salinity downward each night. Any other ideas/suggestions? Thanks for the idea of the cleaner shrimp... I'll see if I can pick on up. Anyone know where there is one in stock? Thanks. Dano Last night I did try adding Garlic to food... wasn't sure how so I heated some tank water with a half clove of garlic, mushed the garlic a little and then removed it and then soaked a piece of Formula 2 in it and fed it to fish... does this make sense? I guess garlic drops for fish from the pet shop makes more sense..
  2. pretty sure.. as i look at it more closely they are white dots... i'm reading some archive postings now
  3. I bought a powder blue tang, six line wwrasse and a firefish in group buy from Petsolutions 10 or 11 days ago. For first time ever, based on recommendation, I set up a quaratine tank. Since yesterday Tang has been hanging out by a rock on the bottom, breathing heavier and I just noticed whiteness starting to cover him. Should i remove the firefish and six line and put in main tank if they look clean or is it too late? What is best treatment? Should I remove the few pieces of rock I have in the quarantine tank or are they also already infected? Thanks. Dano I looked in my shelves and i don't have copper but i do have a bottle of Kordon Rid Ich+ ... Formaldehyde 4.26% (11.52% formalin), Zinc-Fre Ch;oride salt of malacjhite green (0.038%). thanks again. Dano well.. i just looked them all over again and they are all infected...poor babies. I guess I'll wait a little longer and if i don't hear otherwise I will treat with the rid ich for tonight since it is too late to pick up anyhting else for tonight.
  4. David M... thanks for the offer... if you have any frags remaining of the free green plating monti, green cap, or red cap, i would greatly appreciate a sampling... thanks Dano
  5. I have a Coralife lunar aqualight 48 inch 4 x 65 watt PC for sale with four month old bulbs. Looking for $135 OBO. Also selling/trading an all glass 48 inch 2 x55 watt PC w/o bulbs. And a nice wooden cabinet with two doors for a 55 gallon - $85 OBO. Can bring all to meeting. Dano
  6. thanks for the help... I assume the Joe's juice, saturated kalk and/or the vinegar is administered in the tank and is not harmful to the other inhabitants....is that right? thanks agian. Dano
  7. Over the past few weeks I've noticed a growing population of aitapsia. Though i kind of like their appearance I understand they aren't good for the tank/corals. I can't add peppermint shrimp because I have fish that will eat them. So I was wondering if it was a good idea to take a razor blade and just try to scrape them out (maybe there are about 10), or if that will prpagate them or have some other deleterious impact? Thanks. Dano
  8. Thanks for the feedback... right now they all seem to get along well enough. They have been cohabitating for years (with the exception fo the clarkii who is only in my tank for the past 6 months but who seems to get along with the peculas). The 3 stripe damsel is the only chaser. The damsels and dottyback came with the tank when I bought it 4 years ago or i wouldn't have them. Assuming I don't take any out (since my kids get more attached to them than I do), any recommnedations as to what other fish I might add to the tank? Though I am also o'kay leaving it status quo. Thanks again, Dano
  9. Over the past year I've attempted to add three fish and only one (a large clakii clown) survived. I saw the royal gamma for a couple of days but he hid whenever I added food and then I never saw him again. The firefish I added a number of months later I never saw after he entered the tank. Same goes for 3 peppermint shrimp. Otherwise i have had no fatalities. I have a 72 gallon tank with a yellow tang, female fiji damsel, three stripe damsel, neon dottyback, three peculas, the clarkii and another fish I have never identified but looks like the shape of a striped blennie but has red stripes. So I was wondering about adding some blennies, or gobies or firefish (maybe a pair this time) but didn't want to doom them. Is the neon dottyback or the damsel problemmatic with these additions? Thanks. Dano
  10. very relieving feedback... thanks to all. Dano
  11. I can't remember if I tested the ro/di water before running the hot water through it
  12. what do you mean by "in" versus "out". My cold tap water was measuring around 165 and the hot water after r/o did was measuring 2. Should mention this is a new TDS and I have never had one before.
  13. being a bot overwhelmed this morning I accidentally turned on the hot water to make my R/O DI water and didn't realize it for a few hours. So... did I ruin all the filters and membrane and DI unit? Could I have ruined anything else (any seals or whatever?) I did use a tds test on some cold water after I realized th mistake and it came out to 2PPM, but the DI cartridge is all black and orange. Thanks. Dano
  14. I will try to measure water parameters tonight, especially the Ph. Typically, my parameters are good with the exception of high nitrates. My problem I don't have is being nutrient poor. If the xenia doesn't seem to be improving should I take them out so they don't further add to the bioload as they die? Thanks. Dano
  15. I gratefully received a few fragsof xenia at our meeting at Kilmer. They were all doing very well, especially the one I put highest up and mosstly in the flow of the return. Over the past week they are all not opening up as much and espeically the one which had been doing the best looks like it is dying of old age - wrinkles, pulling up from rock. I thought maybe it was too high and in the flow so I put it down lower out of the flow and I'll see what happens but I wondered if anyone has any other ideas. Two small mushrooms and singularia and capanella appear to be doing well. My lighting is 4 x 65 watt PC and 2 x 40 fluroescent - though the bulbs are in need of replacement. Thanks. Dano
  16. yes, thanks to all. My 6 and 3 year old were thrilled, only slightly less that I. Dano
  17. My electricity and heat was out for about for about twenty hours - I covered tank in a blanket, floated tupperware with hot water and at one point as temperature was heading below 70 I heated tank water on the stove and after mixing it with the colder tank water I added back to tank. I blew bubbles in the tank through a line for some minutes and ran a pump for about ten minutes off a car battery charger for some circulation. Don't know how cold tank actually got as we headed out to a hotel since power company said power would be off for another day (which thankfully it wasn't). Anyways, so far all look o'kay except for one or two frags I had just gotten two days ago which didn't make it. Interestingly, the serpent stars climbed to the top fo the tank. Dano
  18. of course, that was the first place I checked.
  19. No, I did not quarantine the gamma. In fact, I have never quarantined any livestock I've gotten. Always being stressed for time. The gamma did seem shy, which iswhy I t hought maybe he starved himself. I never did find him. I do have a lot of rock in the tank. Based on what you said about their aggressiveness to own, is it a baqd idea to put three in a 72 gallon tank.
  20. When I added a royal gamma last time to my tank, he only lasted a few days. I think my domino damsel (big sucker) scared the **** out of him and he probably just withered. Then I recently read about the incompatibility of firefish (which I don't have ) and the gobie (is it a rainbow gobie?). I do have the gobie so I wonder if he scared the royal gamma. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew if these fish were incompatible or if I bought 3 or 5 gammas if that would provide -them more safety and security. Thanks. Dano
  21. Howard, just back to town and saw posting. If you need another hand give me a call or reply. Good luck. Dano
  22. I'm just starting with some hardy corals and mushrooms, so I don't have anything to trade yet, but would love some colorful hardy frags if anyone is willing. Thanks. Dano
  23. You guys are great. Thanks, Chip. I think I sat next to you at the talk last week. I'm usually around the house on Friday and the weekends, except Sunday morn. Fridays, Sunday and Saturday afternoons would be great if it works for you. My cell phone is 202 210-5947. thanks. Dano
  24. Thanks, Howard. That would be great. I am just west of 7 corners off of sleepy hollow and kerns (off Annandale). Dano
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