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Everything posted by MrSexyShrimp

  1. Check to see if you have chloramines in your water supply. We do in D.C. Some people say regular RODI can handle chloramines fine, other people say it's better to have a special chloramines stage.
  2. I think I remember reading they can store sperm for several months.
  3. i'm a little freaked out by them. they look like they've been in a few fights. these are clownfish from the rough part of town.
  4. Pics of water damage? How extensive? Maybe it can be repaired. Guessing its MDF..
  5. Hurry up and order your radion (if you're going that route) cuz the ecotech sale ends tmw
  6. thank you for spelling it chaeto and not "cheato" #ocd
  7. Has anyone messed around with one of these before? Any tips? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001G4NBSC/ I didn't have a tripod handy nor nearly enough light to get good shots, but it's a cool novelty for $11. This was the best shot I got, but considering my supreme laziness, I'm very excited to see what I can do with a tripod and better lighting.
  8. I've only been a member for about a month and I'm pretty sure i've seen eleventy thousand clownfish for sale or for free so far. Many of them the fancy type.
  9. Aah, now, are you going to go ahead and have those TPS reports for us this afternoon
  10. Thanks! I created a new thread for my shopping list, and I'll make a dedicated tank build thread once the pieces start coming together.
  11. What a great time to be getting back into the hobby! Nice!
  12. Want to get some starboard / cutting board to protect the glass. Going barebottom for ease of cleaning. It seems like a lot of people are happy with "The Cutting Board Company" http://www.cuttingboardcompany.com/ Was planning on half-inch thickness. Open to color suggestions although most people say it'll get covered in coralline algae eventually anyway. How much of a margin should I leave between the sides of the tank and the cutting board? I've seen 1" mentioned but since I have so little footprint for coral placement to begin with, I'm wondering if I could go with smaller margins.
  13. The mandarin is sometimes called a goby but it's a dragonet, different group themoreyouknow.gif
  14. treasure it! the mandarin has always been "that fish" for me. even though they're fairly common.
  15. mandarin that accepts pellets and frozen foods
  16. He did mention he's got a new website coming after I pointed out a Javascript error I saw in the console.. also the lazy load image plugin doesn't seem to be firing... </nerd>
  17. I did some Googling, hard to find direct comparisons besides anecdotal.. I would love to see side by side shots of the same tank under Radion vs Nano Box. Also I looked on his website, I didn't see any mention of the word lime... I did Google it, saw some forum results, but it would be nice if all the info was in one place. I've actually already emailed Dave (to ask about which model to get and ask about dimensions of the light, which I couldn't find on the website), and he responded in under 24 hours. I do appreciate that level of customer service.
  18. It screams photoshop to me. Not that i have any experience with that...
  19. looks like it. dunno if that's a sufficient amount tho i mean how much is a hint, really?
  20. I think my agent is a 1-800 #. But will do! Just got new hardwood floors put in.
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