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Everything posted by hawkfish01

  1. Heres better pics... War favia has only a teeny spot..its the last picon the back edge,middle ,only a teeny grey spot...everyone else full open..appearing normal..
  2. I know pics r taken when tank went dark for pm..will try to get better in am..8(
  3. Heres a couple pics: 1) is my hollywood stunner..the white spots r what i think are bleaching/tissue loss 2) yellow cup has same in area between "leaves" was not like this until changed lites over from t5's to d120 unit..
  4. Mines about 10" off surface...
  5. Should b able to do softies..i had one over my 10 gal nano for a while when was first started..do well for softies..
  6. Only place ive ever seen them is in an aquaculture catalog...sorry..8(
  7. Well..looks like i need to back off on the lites a little...seeing some bleaching on my yellow cup,hollywood and a tiny smidge on my war favia..8( lps seems fine but im backing off to 40%; had at 60 blue and 40 white..too much too soon?? Hope doesnt go farther..will see if i can get a pic of the hollywood in am,but pretty sure its light related.. Unless my urchin is damaging them??? Tux urchin ive had a while.. Or..... I was late doing a topoff w/ro water salinity got too high?? 1st time this has happened...put some brightwell restor in..hope it will help some.. Any ideas?? Like i said never had bleaching prob before...
  8. Looks good.. Lets get that puppy cycled and start the coral and fish...8)
  9. Yeah..and now moms jealous..i see a 24" unit coming in the future for her 20H...8)
  10. Ive got to keep eye on them even at these levels...mine under t5 since...3wks ago?? Short in the lite fixture to par lamps...8)
  11. Sounds like sailfin might need to go if being that nasty ..
  12. I was astonished when i put just the blues on..talk about color pop! And with both going...wow! Wished id done this sooner..8)
  13. And when they say dangerous they mean no open cuts,protect ur eyes and wear gloves is advised..oh,they can "spit" hence the goggles..
  14. Finally got my d120 in..who knew that finding a ceiling stud with modern equitment could b such a PITA!!>8( found one though..pics when whites r on tommorrow..talk about a big difference between lites..wow!8) i have whites at about 40% and blues about 60%.. Dont want fried frags..ok..heres a pic i just took..not the greatest,buuuuuttt:
  15. Ive had a 10 gal from the start..its going to b 2 in 2014...look for pucs under this forum and this topic.."new rockwork scheme" thats my 10 gal(hawkfish01) i use a fluval caged heater,fluval 105 canister(clean every other wc) ive got a d120 light for it(not in yet...) and a diy refugium hob no skimmer and a hydor koralia 240 water circulator..right now only res is a fire shrimp due to carpet surfing by my fish...8(. No ammo,trate/trite probs no hair algae(knock on wood...) then i have a aio by aqueon(8gal)... Doing better than this 10 gal and its younger! Luv my nanos!8)
  16. Thats what im thinkin too..i like the color varieties of both..may mix n match... Will keep eyes out for some i like..8)
  17. Heres the new pics and of the yellow cup..whatcha think so far?? Still need smalls in frontal area..any ideas?? Zoas/palys???
  18. Yeah ...i wouldnt buy anything other supplies... Seen too many dead or dying fish and some of the employees are just plain RUDE! And hadnt gotten better given the move...
  19. I added a yellow cup frag today from incredible corals... Placed on front shelf of lr on right side..lites out so pics tomorrow or tuesday... May only add elegance now...
  20. Had a nice drive up there today..beautiful once off 270,reminded me of the roads traveled in wva(go 'neers!) young man was very helpful and gave me option to purchase one of the newer d120's instead of waiting til new ones came from group buy..got a blue hammer and rainbow lobo plus a nice green/purple for my bro bday next week..all in all nice road trip... And someone got a koi pond/grow out tank..and its no longer going unused in my yard!8)
  21. I put the larger piece of rock in since it has a cave an nooks for frags..but i also moved the heater sponge and gorgonians and the torch.... There was no real shaded place for the sponge..and my mithrax crab cleaned it for me(hes pea sized..a baby...) And i still have room for elegance and my hammer can go on rock shelf..
  22. I can move heater up.. Sponge i could put toward back middle.. Move torch where it was...will post pics afterwards..8)
  23. Well heres a pic... Still a work in progress..need to hide heater more...? Or at least all but led readout..want open area for an elegance and a hammer..
  24. Oops packed up before pics..oh well... Mailing out tomorrow...
  25. My last post was bfore i saw and heard my one light unit shorting out..back to t5 temporarily..getting d120 from ERC soon... Had to hold off on two frags i was going to get in order to get light..mom okd ceiling mount and we figured out how to do with one rafter attachment instead of two..my mom she smart and savvy..8) i will send pics of tank with t5 and new leds when i get those going... May still put one more piece of lr in... Its missing something... And yes that white rock you will see is a dead piece of LR... And look mom no tank lid!!( you bet im going to make sure that hangers tough!! Dont need the light swimmin with my shrimp!8) )
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