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Everything posted by goodreeef

  1. check out this site before moving.....it is a big scam in the usa. https://www.protectyourmove.gov/
  2. Could we get make this a sticky....to call naga(a wamas member before you move a tank)?? I dont want anyone else to have to endure this!!
  3. actually i talked to a glass company and they said if you can feel the scratch with your fingernail it can not be buffed out, and I am not comfortable with replacing the end panel. I think WAMAS should setup a moving service for moving tanks.Those people you mention are too expensive, I thought this mover could do it for less than $500.00(turned out not to be true). Are their young folks with good backs on this forum wiiling to help move a tank for $75.00 per person?(HA!HA!)
  4. exact same thing with this mover. quote for $160.00/hr estimate of two hours ended up being $837.00!!! anyway I have talked to credit card company and the payment will most likely be refused by USAA(talking about a good company USAA is one) I have also spoke to CivilTree (small claims internet company) and they said it is almost a open/shut case. Lots of cases against moving companies ,the guy said!
  5. They stood it up on its end on pebbles and rocks in my yard, and it etched and a small crack in the end pane of glass. They were insured , but the fine print said only $50.00 per item. Needless to say I am sick to my stomach. I am sure I will be dealing with this for weeks, the little bit of good news is i paid by credit card and USAA will work with me. I hope this helps some one avoid the pain i am going to go through. Do we have a lawyer in the group??? Do not use this company US Relocate,USA Moving and storage.
  6. can a calcium reactor be used while there are just a few sps corals in the tank, or does it add to much ca and alkalinity for just a few corals. I know they can be adjusted, but can they be adjusted down to a level of only a few corals?
  7. thanks guys that is good to hear, I was excited about the possibility of getting a 300d down the road, but then measured my door and realized it could only come in sideways. That is when i started researching and found the thread about a guy in atlanta.
  8. I read online about a person in atlanta getting a 300dd tank into house through a 36" door by bringing it in on its side. Has anyone heard of this? ,can tanks be rested on their side for short periods of time?
  9. Steve, I am so jealous man, this exact same tank is on my future build list. 10 yrs ago I was telling you I Had the 180 and i was also worried about chilling it with the metal halides ,I was running at that time, but it turned out later(after I think $400.00) that i did not need the chiller, it was a waste of money. When i do it again , i am going to wait till i need a chiller before buying one, but plan for it with my plumbing,space ,electric ,etc. eddie
  10. i have cbb and he wont eat. Anyone have an infested rock?
  11. that is hair algae. I just beat bryopsis and it looks like a fern!
  12. I have chaeto growing in my refuge. I have inside 1/4" netting made into a pocket. I would like to get rid of my sump sponge, but the sponge is the only reason it does not get pumped into the tank. How are other folks getting it to stay put without mechanical filtration
  13. i believe based upon some testing that my line to the stirrer is blocked , ... i cannot blow through it even without the check valve? Should'nt I be able to blow through it? The tunze osolmolator pump does not have more pressure than me blowing through it ,does it? eddie
  14. i would like to continue to use tunze osomolator if i can?
  15. Right now i am using a check valve but i think it is clogging as my tunze osomolator pump is not working all the time? Could i tee with a valve it and run the tee into the unit above the water line? I would like to get rid of the check valve.
  16. forgot to mention that i have reverse fuge lighting.
  17. I have been having a hard time keeping my ph above 7.9. I have a 90 gallon tank. About 1 gallon of top off through kalk stirrer. I use a brand new well calibrated aqua controller lab grade probe. I really dont want to dose , anything other than kalk. I was thinking about turning my skimmer up to skim wet, thereby needing more top-off? I cant draw in outside air. Thanks for the help eddie
  18. it started to disappear in 2 days. Completely gone in 4 days, but that is do to catching it early. I only had 4 pieces in the tank(max one being about 3/4 in long). I am re-learning a lot after ten years out of the hobby but experience paid off for me here as I have never seen such a nice looking algae in any of my tanks(looks like a fern). I immediately looked it up on the internet , and an hour later had the tech M ordered to come overnight shipping! Thank- god for the internet! eddie
  19. I believe, at least for now I have one the fight against bryopsis by using kent tech m. I raised the magnesium level to 1740 and I dont see any in the tank. I am going to let it come down naturally to about 1550. I know that is high but that is what based upon what i have read should keep it away. Any other folks one this battle for the long term?
  20. I solved my ph problem by using an avast kalk stirrer and running my top-off-water throught it. My ph use to run between 7.5 - 7.9. Now it's 7.8-8.1.
  21. Dave , I would be willing to help, I am sure you could find many in the club to help you out. I plan on a 200 to 400 gallon system in my house, but the one thing i am struggling with is the amount of waste do/ri water. I know some folks use it for wash machine, hoe are you planning to deal with that? I am reading all i can about the plankton as well. Jist getting back in the hobby after a 10 yr hiatus. I use to have a 180 gallon tank. eddie
  22. I have been following this thread for about a month now. I have read Martin Moe's notes and journal about his success and failures raising these fish. Do you have other references? I dont have the resources(money or time) to do this just curious! Are you going to treat with streptomycin? How are you planning on rearing the copepods, because based upon reading his notes they had to separate the adults from the juveniles in order not to upset the reproductive numbers of the culture(by passing them through finer meshes)? I would love to see your set-up someday? Eddie Christian
  23. now that may be the easiest yet, rubber-bands wont leach anything into the water , right?
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