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Everything posted by RubberFrog

  1. Plumbing is super easy.Check out this video-
  2. I have it in the return section of my sump, so the water level there is constant. And it worked perfect before the new pump. I'm going to let it run for another week or so and if it still won't work properly I think I'm going to just replace it.
  3. I have had this skimmer since November- http://www.thatpetplace.com/pet/prod/253996/product.web?gdftrk=gdfV2226_a_7c268_a_7c6967_a_7c253996 and I used to love it. About three weeks ago I had to replace the pump under warranty and now I can not get it dialed in. It's either erupting in a volcano of wet foam or the bubbles are an inch too low. It varies through out the day. Sometimes it's overflowing, other times nothing comes out at all. I don't know what happened when I replaced the pump, but I am ready to take this thing to the shooting range!
  4. What size did you say your tank was?
  5. Looks like normal 2 month old algae. It could go away with time... or it could get worse. lol Sounds like you're doing things right with the feeding. Are you keeping up on regular water changes? How are your nitrates and phosphates?
  6. It's always informative reading Randy's articles.
  7. Randy really sings the blues about pellets compared to vinegar.
  8. I am sorry to hear this. Thank you for sharing the story of his life with us. He sounds like he had a great life.
  9. I might take you up on that, at the very least just to see how to do it. I usually come in on the weekends (when I come in) and the gal there is always very helpful. I am assuming you are there during the week only?
  10. Thanks for the feedback. The dKH is a little wonky, but I just made a switch from red sea coral pro to reef crystals about 40 gallons worth of water changes ago ( in a 95g tank). I had a serious precipitate problem with the coral pro. I never figured out why. I am hoping to see a positive change in dKH as the old salt is slowly replaced. NO3 is consistently 0 and PO is .04 . I know, I'm bringing it down with water changes and a growing ball of chaeto. I only have three fish and I'm very anal about not over feeding (to my wife's dismay). I'm not sure where it's coming from. Maybe the 30 or so pounds of base rock I have mixed in with 100 pounds of tonga rock. It has been steadily falling since a high of .36 in November when the tank was setup.
  11. Any feedback? Mg 1520 dKH 7.7 Ca 450 Ph 8.1-8.2 Sg 1.025
  12. You could actually see an expression on his face? lol
  13. Thank you for the submersible thermometer. I was just telling my wife how unreliable my thermometer was and then BAM! I win a new one!
  14. What is the agenda for the meeting? I know we have a guest speaker, but what else happens beyond the hour or so he speaks? Is there a few hours of meet and greet? I'm asking because it looks like my three kids (3-7) will need to come with me and I'm not sure how much fish talk they can handle.
  15. FCPS closes if it snows in another county. lol
  16. I think perhaps the misunderstanding came from the interpretation of "megacorporate". I am refering to the corporate practice of animal husbandry (specifically fish). I expect no more from the employees than I expect of employees at other retail establishments. Many of the employees are unskilled and simply need a job. There's nothing wrong with that. However, it is clear that petco does not have a corporate policy regarding the way these fish are treated. That is why each store is a new experience. As far as making a complaint or being more proactive, once I have solved major issues such as human trafficking, world hunger, war, cured cancer, etc... then I will move on to seeing what I can do about these poor fish. In the meantime, I would hope I will still be free to share my opinion on a local forum without being lambasted over misinterpretation.
  17. Well, I'm not sure I understand your motivation for being hostile with me, but I've been in plenty of petco's and seen the way their livestock is treated. There may be a few good stores, but the majority that I have seen were deplorable. I think that pretending otherwise is disingenuous at best.
  18. I would much rather put some tax free money into the pocket of a little guy than give it to some megacorporate professional animal abuse chain.
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