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matt bills

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Everything posted by matt bills

  1. What do you all do when a return is not draining. I took a big rubber hose and pushed it down but cant get past the 90 degree elbow.
  2. I dont think i put enough in. I would like to have bunch more of the experiment.
  3. Did you figure out what the spider web stuff is. Is it still there?
  4. Well we live and learn but bummed
  5. wife just got home and he is dead dang it....
  6. Good Idea Guys and thanks for all the help. I will put a mirror up and see what happens
  7. Good idea but have to catch him that is another problem.
  8. Thanks Tom - Fingers crossed. Lights come one 11 am. Chip the Scopas is smaller then the Yellow I know this was going to happen. I should of never tryed it... I did add some rocks that andy gave me so the there is a new spot in the tank. I will try the garlic additive tonight. I usually feed in the morning. Doug thanks for the text and everyones support. I hate losing fish.
  9. I introduced a Scopas tang Sunday night after the lights were off. He came out and eat on monday morning but a saw my yellow tang swimming beside him and tale wipping him. When go home he was not looking good. The fins looked not really great. Clear looking. Turned off the lights and everyone went to bed but have not seen him since. Groan.
  10. I added another dose of reef roids this morning before my main lights come one. I saw about the same responces as before on my corals. I am not putting much in maybe a 1/4 on the sample tube. Tom did you add half that sample tube when you where here?
  11. Full light for me I only have one feeding under my belt.
  12. My Tank reaction to ReefRoids pn Saturday Turn off skimmer left the return pump and powerheads on. I like how Roids disolved in the pre feed bowl. Basically looks like a cloud of food. Dumped it rate into the tank no spoting feeding 5 min into this feeding I saw my brain feeders come out, never saw that before. Leather and toadstoal came out really strong. Zoathiods perked up. Let them feed for about 15min then cut the skimmer on. I am going to feed it again Tomorrow.
  13. I got it off hammer started it to curl up and then finished him off with ice. Thanks everyone.
  14. I am going to remove anomone from a rock it is attached to. How do I remove it with out damaging the anomone. Can I use my bare hands to remove the foot?
  15. Thaks everyone. I think i will go with packing in my check bag.
  16. Have not flown in a while. Can you not put them in water?
  17. Has anyone carried coral onto a plane before. I want to take some to my brother in colorado
  18. I wish I could of come I missed it dang it.
  19. Welcome to the club. This is a slow moving hobby. So relax and enjoy. Let me know when your a couple months into it. I will give you some corals.
  20. there going crazy in my tank multiplying and multiplying I told you i was taking care of you.
  21. you all need to watch tanked.
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