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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Depending on day/time, I could help. I live in Ashburn
  2. Jay

    Free Sand!

    I am interested in some sand. Will take two buckets if you can spare
  3. Finally saw the 600g first hand and it looks awesome. Makes my 220g and 155g look like peanuts. Need to upgrade, now the hard part, convincing the spouse.
  4. How did I know that was coming
  5. Was wondering if anyone has had success with all in one reef supplements? And if so, which one? Also, what do you think are the best supplements brand in the market?
  6. Want to get your opinion on which of the following skimmer you feel is the best for in sump skimmer? ASM G4 Avast CS 2 Skimz SM 201 GS2 For 240g tank with small footprint sump.
  7. Thought I would take a poll to see what everyone feels is the best looking clam? What do you think?
  8. Jay

    Reef Issue

    It was about a 1.5 months apart. As for detritus or diatoms, not that I can see. I checked the overflows, sump and what I can see from the tank. I am sure I have decaying fish somewhere that has increased the nitrates since I can't find a few but didn't find them after removing half the rock. Regards, jay
  9. Jay

    Reef Issue

    Alright this is what I have: Nitrate - 40ppm Nitrite - 0 Ammonia - 0 pH - 7.8 I have 2 Koralia 4s and 1 Koralia 3 in the 150g. System seems fine now, no bubbles since I cleaned it out w net, increased skimmer flow and did 30% water change. The maroons seem to be moving well too.
  10. Jay

    Reef Issue

    tank is a 150g half circle. It has about 200 pounds of live rock and a crushed coral/sand bottom. I have not found all my fish missing two since it would mean taking all the rock out so they could be decomposing somewhere. Lost my coral banded and fire shrimp too.
  11. Jay

    Reef Issue

    The rabbitfish seemed to be getting along fine since I added them at the same time. Don't know if the wrasse stirred up anything. The skimmer wasn't overflowing. It happened so quickly, I couldn't ping any one thing. Regardless I will take my time in adding fish now since losing two sets really bummed me out.
  12. Jay

    Reef Issue

    Since then, have cleaned out the tank by physically removing the foam via net, 30% water change and increasing the load of the skimmer. It looked like like a dirty foam that you sometime see when you are at the beach. I lost a barred rabbitfish, one spot rabbitfish, blonde naso, a pair of tomato and a mystery wrasse (that one hurt bad). As I said my large maroon gold pair were the only survivors. Thanks for all your help and I will take a pic if it occurs again, Jay
  13. Jay

    Reef Issue

    Am running a skimmer in the sump. I will check the parameters again tomorrow morning and post. Besides the nitrates being a bit higher now, it was pretty standard.
  14. For no apparent reason that I can tell, my reef tank starts foaming up usually overnight and by morning there is patches of brownish type of foam on top of the tank and in the sump. This has occurred twice so far and it kills pretty much all my fish except my hardy maroon gold clown pair. Other then the nitrates being a bit high, everything else checks out once this occurs. It doesn't impact the corals, anemones or the clams but the fish are belly up. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated? I have two other systems and this has never happened to me before. Thanks for your help
  15. Your box is full. Would you consider selling livestock separately, and if so, what are the prices? Thank you
  16. I saw it first hand and it looks great.
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