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Everything posted by truestelf

  1. glad everything is going well :O)
  2. i have another fixture going to try to make it fit on top as well :O)
  3. thanks i was thinking that but wasnt sure
  4. Ok i am going to ask a really dumb yet also really simple question.. What are BIOPELLETS and what do you do with them?
  5. I got a brand new dual bulb t-5 light 30 inch fixture with 24 inch bulbs for a 20 gallon tank that will be my frag tank shortly!. Today in the mail and was trying to figure out what bulbs to put in it. I just put ocean sun 10k ultra sun super daylight 6500k i am trying to do some hard corals and was wondering if these would work or maybe some different bulbs or such
  6. congrats, let us know more with updates, i just set up a new tank and was thinking of trying my luck as well with them, any suggestions?
  7. had a good time, grabed a shrimp some coral, food and got a new light. Nice clean tanks and helpful staff
  8. had a good time, i picked up a nice t-5 fixture for my new tank in progress, got my breeder nets. Bought some coral and a cleaner shrimp. :O)
  9. i am a bringing a bucket 1/4 full of black gravel with some various other colors in it enough to do a 30 gallon . FREE FREE if anyone wants it just bring a bucket! Tetra cichlid flakes 2 UNOPENED containers 3 bottles of Tetra exotic sinking min sticks UNOPENED. a bottle of Aquron marine flakes 2.29 oz UNOPENED my clown fish didnt like the previous bottle, 2 8oz bottles of Kent Iodine UNOPENED. a 2 1/2 gallon glass tank with glass lid also.
  10. just gotta remember to empty it lol and nice job so far keep up with the pictures
  11. if you dont have any or not many corals you can try using a lot less lighting to help ( less hours per day ) , and less feeding
  12. i cant do a MH i have no where to hang it from and cant put holes in the wall or ceiling :O( otherwise sounds nice.
  13. anyone with a T5 fixture that does 24inch bulbs i need a light for my new 30 gallon ( future reef ) tank
  14. put it in a breeder net!
  15. 30 inch with 24 inch bulbs its for a 30 or a 20 depending on what i can get.
  16. i am looking for a 30 inch t 5 fixture if anyone wants to bring one of those along on saturday....... setting up a new tank..
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