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Posts posted by Sharkey18

  1. Thank everyone. 


    It's still skimming wet, and three inches higher but at least it's skimming! 


    I have two more days to get it dialed in a bit better before I leave.  


    Definitely was a problem with whatever got sucked into the pump. I am pretty sure it was the white sump sponge that was growing and must have become dislodged during maintenance. I cleaned it out of the pump but did not think to clean the rest of the skimmer and the outflow. Cleaning the out flow seems to have helped. I also think it was underperforming and clearing the pumps put it into over drive. 


    As usual, the community comes to the rescue. 

  2. When I was doing maintenance on the weekend I checked the pumps and there was some crap in one of the skimmer pumps. (It has 2). Not sure what it was, may have been a soggy piece of paper towel. ( I had a "helper" that day).  I removed it and then the torrent began. 


    If I close the air tubes the water flow explodes. 


    I haven't checked the output.... on my way. 


    After raising the skimmer body about 3 inches I am now getting a very wet skim mate. 


    Thanks for all of the help. 

  3. Help!

    My skimmer has been overflowing since I did a water change last weekend. 


    When I did the water change I moved a bunch of stuff around and generally messed up the tank. So I took the cup off of the skimmer and gave it a few days to settle down, but it hasn't. 


    Today I raised it another 2 inches, scrubbed any sludge from the sides and generally checked it over. No luck. 


    Main problem: of course I'm leaving for vacation on Saturday and need to get this thing dialed in. 


    So: hit me with your top 3 things to check when you skimmer goes nuts. 


    The forces of Murphy's Law are quadrupled the minute you start dealing with a reef tank. 

  4. What audio and visual markers do you use? 


    in a case like this I have had the best luck using the fish's natural food source and getting it eating well on that for at least a week or two and conditioning markers both audio and visual to the food and behavior. only then begin to wean. to wean onto prepared with no adjustment or transition from it's natural food source is a rough path to take with specimens finicky as this.

  5. Here is a partial list of items to be raffled off at the meeting this Saturday. Remember to purchases your raffle tickets when you check in. 



    Blue Ribbon Koi (BRK) : has donated an assortment of Thrive water conditioning products.  


    Maxspect: full spectrum celestial spotlight (2) 


    Cobalt: CA Mysis Flakes and Cobalt Coral Food.


    Cobalt: Nano Flow 2,600 Circulator Prop Pump.


    Premium Aquatics has donated two $50 gift certificates and one $25 gift certificate. 


    Avast Marine has donated five $25 gift certificates.


    SaltwaterAquarium.com:  Pan World 200PS magnetic drive pump 


    ERC has donated five $25 gift certificates to the raffle for use on quarantined and treated fish!


    Bare bottom corals: Five $25 gift certificates.  


     Marine Depot: Has donated  an AquaMaxx Hang-On Media Reactor and Aquamaxx Internal Media with Sicce Pump


    We still have MACNA 2015 T-shirts for the raffle!

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