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Posts posted by Sharkey18

  1. Hey realypk, 


    The amount of food you are adding could feed my 250g for 2 days. You need to cut WAY back. Most of the food you are adding is not going to the fish or corals but simply decaying in your tank. 


    You also seem to be under the impression that you can use a product according the directions and there will be no ill effects. For example your explanation of why and how you are using gfo. Just because you are using the right product in the right way in the recommended amounts does not mean your tank needs it and does not mean that it is not harmful. Whenever I run GFO I have trouble with my stoney corals. That's not true for everyone but it is true for MY tank. 


    When other members are saying that your tank is not completely cycled one of the things they mean is that just because the bacteria are converting Ammonia into Nitrite and Nitrate does not mean that you have 1) enough bacteria 2) the right strains of bacteria or 3) the right balance of bacteria. The only way to get that it to adjust what you are doing, stop throwing products at your real and not so real problems and sit back and let your tank mature. 


    Take some time to read through reports of how the products o the market can both solve AND cause problems. Carbon can give you crystal clear water but can also cause HLLE. GFO can reduce phosphate but it can also kill sps. Nothing is as straight forward as the label on the product says. You are dealing with a living, dynamic ecosystem. It does not not read product labels. 


    Simply your system, figure out where the metal is coming from and take some of the extraneous things you are using off line. Then take 6 months to stabilize your tank before trying more stoney coral. 


    Good luck






    Any idea what is causing this STN?  


    I have two colonies that have been losing flesh from the bottom very slowly and now a third colony is losing much more quickly. 


    These are from the third colony. I suspect AEFW but cant see any. Any ideas? 





  3. Interesting. I had the same experience.


     I got a par meter for xmas and my reading are a lot lower than I thought also. I was also running the WWC on my rations. I got about 100 on the bottom, 150 in the middle, and a few inches below the top 350. 


    I am also wondering if I should increase. 



  4. I have had my reef link for about a year and I have to say that it spends 99% of its time NOT connected to my wifi. Every time I want to adjust my radions it's an hour long process of connecting with a wire, trying to get the wifi re-established and then maybe it works. 


    When I called customer support I was told to keep it connected with an ethernet cord. Why on earth would I spend $100 for a wireless device that has to be kept wired? 


    Anyone have any suggestions?


    For the record, all of the other devices in my home have no problem staying connected ( Phones, computers, thermostat, etc.) The issue is not weak wifi. 

  5. I have used NoPox to control Nitrates, but as stated above, be careful not to over dose. I start with half the recommended dose and still ended up with cyano.


    If you have Bryopsis you should use fluconazole to treat. Probably going to solve your issue much faster than NoPox. Then slowly use the Nopox to control Nitrate and Phosphate. Do you have any good algae control fish? 

  6. Awesome.


    Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Love the photos. You've brought back some corals I would have thought were not salvageable so thats really interesting. 


    Any possibility you'd share you home made food recipe? Do you feed the same thing to your healthy corals? 




  7. Yeah: right now my overflows are two, 2.5 inch PVC elbows. 


    Since I have a bare bottom tank I have a lot of flow that keeps most of the detritus suspended, but as it is now the detritus particles have to find their way into about 5 inches of space before they settle or get caught in the rock work. I would love a coast to coast that pulled more liberally along the top. 


    I'm reviewing your posts Isaac! 

  8. I think it started from cleaning the glass and then of course each time I clean the glass I make it worse. 


    It's a euro-braced tank. Its Leishman's old deep dimension 250 so it's been around a while but nor sure exactly how old it is. 


    Thanks for the feedback. 

  9. The silicon on the INSIDE of my aquarium has been peeling off. As it separates I've just been trimming it off and removing it. 


    My question is how indicative is this of an imminent failure and /or leaking? There is no evidence of leaks at his time. 





    SPS Radion users: What program are you using? I have recently been playing with various programs and everything is SO blue. My tank perpetually looks like dusk. 

    I am currently running the Coral Lab SPS AB+ but have also tried the WWC profile. Growth and color are important to me, but I also want something aesthetically pleasing during the day. 




     I am getting a PAR meter for Christmas (YAY)! so should also be able to get some numbers soon. 





  11. Anyone have experience troubleshooting the EcoTech reeflink?


    I can get it to connect to my wifi, but cannot get it to connect to EcoSmart Live. I've been resetting things for like 2 hours and the lights on the reef link remain that infuriating green/orange/yellow instead of a nice steady blue.  I can call on Monday but was wondering if anyone has a quicker solution. 



  12. Hey Isaac, 


    Part of the neglect involved taking down all of the other plumbed tanks so I only have the main tank and the sump. It was hard enough to keep the one tank running so all the others had to go. I just want to focus on this tank now. I could put some in the sump though.... if I can catch them. 



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