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Everything posted by Amuze

  1. the brothers were always cool whenever i went there. i liked their stories of childhood back in their country. it's a fun place to go and browse around. definitely qt. i never bought from there, but i always liked rolling there with a friend.
  2. hmm. i would not do the overflows directly under that brace. could be a pita if a problem were to occur, clogging and cleaning, etc..
  3. Yeah you and I have both been ghost for a minute. We should get up before I move to the beach this June. Pm me your number. New phone and i don't have anyone's number anymore.
  4. sup. doing good things i see. keep up the good work billy.
  5. Also, undo your last step before everything went wrong.
  6. What are your mag levels? Tank seems small to run that equipment. It would be much simpler and cheaper to just do weekly water changes with good water to keep everything consistent. That temp is also too low. What temp is the tank dropping down to at night with the lights out? What is your ph level and what are you doing to keep it from dropping at night? With such low water volume, your ph may be swinging all over the place.
  7. Seen a bunch in the last few months. Any from $50-$100 at times. Even LA had some and they never have nice plates.
  8. Thanks, Chris. Picked up locally (lfs). They didn't know either and it took on this coloration over the time I've had it. Once it gets large enough to frag, I'll send a piece your way if you want and we'll see what it does.
  9. Can we not thread jack please? This is a thread to identify the chalice i posted, not a show your chalice thread. Anyone who knows what the chalice i posted is named? Thanks.
  10. This is it without actinic lighting.
  11. There are a lot out there. I remember Sean Frickleton at Aquaco getting huge colonies of high end chalices before they became "high end". He had a mummy eye that was easily the size of a basketball once.
  12. Lol. If that's what it turns out to be, I'll be happy happy happy. But... I doubt it.
  13. No, very bright neon red and small.
  14. The green spots you see in my pic are not eyes. This one only has 2 eyes on it so far and both are bright red.
  15. Nope. Red eyes and very bright neon green rim.
  16. Hawaiian's are no good and best left on the reef. The other common blue and black ones do well and last years if healthy and kept fed. The ones I've gotten from brk in the past have all eaten pellets. They can be a bit of a pest to other fish though.
  17. I should know, but I don't. Anyone? Sorry, crappy phone pic. It has bright red eyes which might be difficult to see in my professional magazine quality photo.
  18. This idea is the best. I would make one return closest the the corner aimed for that side of the rock work and run piping under the sand along the back all the way to the other side for the far return.
  19. Are you sure it's diatoms? Could be dino's. You have to really look at frags you buy from stores. Look for little clear air bubbles forming on the eggcrate and frags. Stores will oftem clean their tanks to not show algae or dinos if they have any in their system, but you have to be very careful because these will still transfer to your tank from the frag.
  20. If you still have the mp10w es, I will take it.
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