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Everything posted by mutley29

  1. All my SPS are RTN'ing and i don't know why, all params are fine, phos 0 and have added nothing new to tank for at least 6 weeks, it's strange because my ricordia seem to be suffering too as do my hammers and torches to a lesser degree, everything else is fine, clams are happy as are my 2 RBTA's, i'm stumped, have been running carbon and phos ban 24/7 and changed out regularly, nothing seems to work. just about to start a large water change 40% or so. Anyone got any ideas? Anton ____________
  2. If we ever sell our house and move into the new one i will be upgrading my bloody heavy mag ballasts and getting some electronic ones. question is which ones and how good are they, is there a better make so far after a 2 minute search ive found: IceCap Electronic 400 Watt Metal Halide Ballast: $174.95 E-Ballast 400watt w/plug: $179.95 Reef Fanatic 400W Electronic Halide Ballast only $149.95 Now i've heard good reports about the icecap and e-ballast but nothing on the reef fanatic although i do have some of there stuff that i purchased before they went trade wholesale only and i've never had a problem with them. It's just i have heard a few horror stories about electronic ballasts and if i'm buying 3 of them i don't want to have to..........well you get the idea. Any info or help on this greatly appreciated Anton
  3. Thanks for all the info and offers of help i really appreciate it, We haven't nailed down a closing date as yet but will try to keep all appraised of the situation. Have been looking at a 240 long from Glasscages with stand and possibly a canopy too, am still undecided, i know i know i need to shift my arse. i'm also thinking of a closed loop for this tank, 4 holes in the back, the tank will be visible from 2 sides, i'm not familiar with closed loop setups .i.e. best positioning for flow and circulation but i suppose that all depends on where you place your LR anyway. Also thinking of upgrading to either a Euroreef or an ASM do the ASM's work as well as the Euroreef's, i've spoken to Euroreef owners and they swear by them just not sure a few bits of acrylic is worth that much money. Thanks again for all the help question is what shall i do with my 180 if i get the 240, the mind boggles at the possibilities Anton
  4. Well hopefully if all goes well my wife and i will be moving into a single family just up the road from our present location. I know this subject has been touched on before but was after hints and tips from the many people here that have moved tanks before. I have put some thought into it, we have figured out we will probably have to rent back our current property for about a week to enable us to properly move everything over from one tank to another, also thinking of upgrading to a 220 or 300. At present i am thinking over a couple of days, 1, Take down lights move to new house and setup temporarily over rubbermaid containers with corals. 2, Remove remaining LR store submerged in containers until tank re-setup. 3, Catch all fish/inverts allowing me to get shot of my Hippo Tang, Checkerboard Wrasse and Foxface Rabbit fish. 4, Remove top layer of sandbed to reseed new sandbed. 5, Remove remaining water and sandbed with wetvac. 6, Remove Tank/Stand to new address to use as sump or main tank without sustaining a hernia. Does anyone know how long i will be able to keep the corals in the rubbermaids, i'll be topping off daily and using a Remora to skim the water in the corals container. Would anyone do any of that differently? if so how and why? If i get a new tank how long would it take to break in if i used as much water as possible from old tank and reseed the sandbed? There are probably many things i have forgotten and i know this part of the move will not be easy, hence i'm after as much knowledge and experience as i can. Any / All help appreciated Thanks in advance Anton
  5. "I'll have a pint of what Jeffs on please landlord" Anton
  6. SWEET B) Glad to hear you caught the bugger Jeff Let the purchase of corals begin, i may have to swing by the MS tomorrow too as the wife is away for the day. once again congrats Anton :D
  7. This is the stuff i had, if you check out RDO they have several threads on it, it's a real @$%#& to eradicate, the only thing that worked for me prior to the livestock that ate it was zero light. All were 0 for nitrates/nitrites/Ammonia and phos, even growing a ton of chaeto in my refugium wasn't slowing this stuff down. I almost got to the point of tearing it down and boiling the worst affected rocks. Hopefully you don't have this, but search RDO for Bryopsis. HTH Anton
  8. Is it hair algae or the real pain in the Butt Bryopsis type? I had a bad bloom of bryopsis algae a while back that came in off a frag i bought, the only way i could get rid of it was to run a phosban reactor 24/7 and get a Foxface Rabbit and a Tuxedo urchin to come in and eat the stuff, the rabbit the urchin and a specific type of nudibranch are the only things the ate the stuff i had. Bryopsis Algae The i suppose run of the mill hair algae was vacuumed up in my tank by a tiger cowrie in under 2 days and has never returned Hope this helps Anton
  9. Drop me a line you can borrow mine I'm in Wellington, just off Cloverhill Rd Anton
  10. Found this on Ebay 10,000 gal tank Says the shipping is free with USPS
  11. Hey Keyoke Did you catch that Damsel yet? Anton
  12. I had a real flatworm explosion in my main tank earlier in the year, not wanting to go the chemical route to rid myself of them i replaced the Six-Line wrasse that had at the end of last year gone carpet surfing has taken care of the flatworm problem completely in my main tank. I still have a largish number in my refugium, nothing else in the tank has changed so can only put there decline down to the wrasse. HTH Anton
  13. I'm after a storage tank for my RO/DI, am using a 45gal trash can at the moment but would prefer something more permanent, i've found some tanks at TSC, but the smallest one they do is dimensionally too big, does anyone know where else tanks or containers like this can be purchased locally, looking at around the 80gal mark or slightly bigger. Any help appreciated Anton
  14. Hi Keyoke How big is your tank?, i've got a perspex Fish Trap you can borrow to catch the offending damsel if you want, i'm in Manassas LMK Anton
  15. You can get syringes from CVS or Rite Aid, thats where my wife got mine, Just don't go in and ask for one after a rough night, looking like S**T, or they won't sell you one. They work wonders, i've tried boiling kalk water to zap a few aiptasia in my tank to no avail, will try the lemon juice next, and getting used to the refraction too HTH Anton
  16. Yeah, i've seen my sixline clean my Hippo Tang and My Foxface, but it's predominantly done by my Neon Goby . Very cool to watch though Anton
  17. Hi All I'm not sure whether its early on a Sunday or just me but i don't seem to be able to find replacement probes for this Controller: Premium Aquatics The controller probe in my sump at the moment is telling me my pH is dropping to 7.6 even after calibrating , but salifert tests are telling me it's all good at 8.2 So i was wondering if the probe was on it's last legs and needed replacing Anyone know where to purchase said probes Any help appreciated Anton
  18. Looking good Paul How many tanks are you up to now, i'm sticking with 2 for the time being How are those Montipora frags doing? Please keep us updated Anton
  19. mutley29


    If i remember correctly the Aquatic World in Leesburg carries them. How soon do you need i may be going there tomorrow If not try a boating store, theres one at potomac mills that carries them let me know Anton
  20. I have heard that Steve from Wally's has jacked it in and gone back to working construction in Stafford. He helped me a great deal when i was starting out. I went in the other day to check the place out after the makeover, FW looked fine the odd dead fish but there was no improvement in the SW section, and the coral prices seemed to have risen since i was there last too, this isn't a bash as i used to shop there a lot, just my observations. Anton
  21. I thought that too, i was just wondering if a large skimmer rated for 75 gal would be detrimental to a small 10 - 15 gal nano ??? Anton [nana]
  22. Thinking of getting rid of my 46 bow and stand and replacing with 15 or 20 gal nano, i was wondering whether i would be able to use the Aqua C Remora on such a small system. Would it overskim or be too much for a small tank? What do you guys suggest? Any all advice welcome and any sensible offers on the 46 bow too [beer2] Anton :D
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